ace warm marriage

Chapter 873 Relics in the Mountains

Chapter 873 Relics in the Mountains ([-])

A big question mark was placed in the minds of the two of them at the same time. Looking at Crazy Yu who was crying uncontrollably, they shouted, "Uncle Crazy, what's wrong with you?"

How could Crazy Yu have time to pay attention to the two of them, he was crying so sadly.

I don't know if it was because he cried too hard, but Crazy Yu was so out of breath in the end that he scared Daqin and Gangzi very much.

"What should I do?" The two looked at each other again, looking at that lunatic Yu, at a loss.

"How about we come back another day?" Da Qin glanced at Madman Yu and said in a low voice.Sheng Fenghua gave them three days, and it seems that there will be no harvest today.

"I'm worried about coming back another day, and it's the same. This lunatic seems to know Xiaoye. He just lost his composure when he heard Xiaoye's name."

"Yes, so he should know about Xiaoye."

"How about, let's go to Sister Sheng and see if she can do anything?"

"Then what are we going to tell her?"

"Just tell the truth."

"How about this, Gangzi, you stay here and look at Crazy Yu, and I'll go find Sister Sheng."

"Daqin, I, I want to go with you."

"Look at your success."

"I'm worthless, you are worthwhile, why don't you stay here."

"Okay, I'll stay, I'll stay, you hurry up and find Sister Sheng." Da Qin glanced at Crazy Yu who was still crying, and gritted his teeth.


"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

"Then, then I'm really leaving."

"get out!"

"Then I really went."

The answer to Gangzi was two words: "Get lost!"

Gangzi quickly rolled away, and Daqin stayed behind, but he didn't dare to approach, watching the lunatic Yu from a distance.

At the beginning, Crazy Yu was still crying, but as time passed, his crying became quieter.Finally fell asleep and snored.

Looking at Crazy Yu who fell asleep on the ground, Da Qin shook his head speechlessly.She stepped forward and wanted to put him on the bed, but she didn't dare.

In the end, he went into the room and brought a quilt over, covering Crazy Yu's body.

Besides, Gangzi ran to Sheng Fenghua's house in one breath, and after entering their yard, he shouted loudly: "Sister Sheng, sister Sheng!"

Hearing the shout, Dabao and Sheng Fenghua came out of the house at the same time, saw Gangzi standing in the yard shouting, and asked, "Gangzi, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Sister Sheng!" Gangzi said while turning his gaze to Sheng Fenghua.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Gangzi and asked calmly.

"Sister Sheng, it's like this. Didn't I give us a task before? We found someone who might be an insider, but he is a lunatic."

"Just now, when we mentioned Xiaoye's name, he not only dropped his bowl, but also cried loudly. When I came, he was still crying. So, I want you to go over and see if there is any What can I do to make him stop crying?"

"Crazy?" Sheng Fenghua frowned.

Dabao on the side immediately answered, and said, "Second Sister, you don't remember, there lived a lunatic Yu at the end of the village, who has been crazy for many years."

"You said he was an insider?"

"Yes! Just now when we mentioned Xiaoye's name, this lunatic Yu cried."

"Wait for me, I'll go back to the house to get something." Sheng Fenghua went back to the room while talking.If that lunatic Yu is really an insider, she can help him find out, maybe he can be cured of his madness.

That way, he might be able to tell her the truth of the matter.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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