ace warm marriage

Chapter 874 Relics in the Mountains

Chapter 874 Relics in the Mountains ([-])

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua went back to the room, went straight into the space, took out his medicine box, and left the room.

"Sister Sheng, what are you carrying?" Gangzi asked as he watched Sheng Fenghua bring out a small box.

Dabao also saw the medicine box in Sheng Fenghua's hand, as well as the red cross.So, he asked in surprise, "Second Sister, why did you bring out a medicine box?"

Sheng Fenghua didn't answer the two people's words, but carried the medicine box out of the yard and said, "Let's go!"

Gangzi and Dabao watched Sheng Fenghua leave, and quickly chased him out.

Daqin saw that Gangzi and Sheng Fenghua came back together, and immediately ran up to meet him, and said, "Then lunatic Yu was lying on the ground and fell asleep."

"What, fell asleep?" Gangzi's face became ugly.As soon as he brought Sheng Fenghua over, the lunatic fell asleep. How can he ask questions?
"Yeah, fell asleep."

Daqin's complexion is also a little bad, who knows how long this lunatic will sleep like this?
"Sister Sheng, look, you've made your trip for nothing." Gangzi blamed himself, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said.

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, carrying the medicine box and walking towards Madman Yu lying on the ground.

Only then did Da Qin see what Sheng Fenghua was carrying, and asked curiously, "What is Sister Sheng carrying?"

"Medicine box, can't you see it?"

"A medicine box?" Da Qin was taken aback, looked at Dabao, and said, "Sheng Jiabao, I never heard that your sister is a doctor. What is she doing with a medicine box?"

"I don't know either." Dabao shook his head. Sheng Fenghua was bullied by him since she was a child, and she didn't know how to see a doctor at all.

Therefore, he didn't know how Sheng Fenghua had a medicine box, and he didn't know what she was carrying a medicine box for.
At this time, Sheng Fenghua was already squatting in front of Crazy Yu, reaching out his hand to feel his pulse.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's actions, Dabao and the others were surprised again.Especially Dabao, a little incapable of accepting it.

Although he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, Sheng Fenghua still knew this action.It is the action that some doctors take the pulse of the patient, also known as taking the pulse.

But Sheng Fenghua grew up with him, and he didn't even know a few words, so how could he feel the pulse?

Dabao was shocked and puzzled, looked at Sheng Fenghua, and fell into deep thought.

Gangzi on the side gently poked Daqin with his hand, and then whispered in his ear: "Daqin, have you seen it? Sister Sheng will feel the pulse."

"I see it. But it's not right. When did Sister Sheng learn medical skills? Why don't we know?"

"Maybe I learned it secretly?" Gangzi said with some uncertainty.

"Impossible. In the past, Dabao bullied Sister Sheng every day. If Sister Sheng secretly learned medical skills, he wouldn't know about it. Besides, no one in the Sheng family is good at medicine. Where did Sister Sheng learn it from? It's impossible, Is it natural?"

"Who knows? Just ask Sister Sheng when the time comes."

The two murmured in a low voice, Sheng Fenghua heard their words clearly, but at this moment he had no time to talk to them.

The situation of this lunatic is not very good. Originally, his brain went crazy because he was stimulated.This will be greatly stimulated by Da Qin and the others again, and his mind will become even more confused.

In this case, she was not sure, so she could only try her best.Moreover, this lunatic still has a heart attack.It is said that heart disease needs heart medicine.

If you want to completely cure the lunatic Yu, you must find the cause of his madness.

(End of this chapter)

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