ace warm marriage

Chapter 875 Relics in the Mountains

Chapter 875 Relics in the Mountains ([-])

After taking the pulse, Sheng Fenghua took his hand back, then opened the medicine box, took out the silver needle inside, and stabbed Crazy Yu's body.

"Jiabao, Jiabao, what is your second sister doing?" Gangzi saw Sheng Fenghua's movements, and stretched out his hand to grab Dabao who was in a daze.

Dabao came back to his senses, saw Sheng Fenghua's movements, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was shocked again, but his face was calm, he looked down on Gangzi, and said: "Acupuncture, you Can't you see it?"

"Of course I know I'm getting an injection. What I want to ask is, why did your second sister give Crazy Yu an injection?"

"It's not easy, just wake him up."

As soon as Dabao finished speaking, the lunatic Yu who had fallen asleep slowly opened his eyes.As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Sheng Fenghua squatting in front of him.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Crazy Yu became excited again, grabbed her hand violently, and said, "Xiaoye, Xiaoye, is that you? Are you back?"

Originally, Sheng Fenghua wanted to take his hand out of Crazy Yu's hand, but after hearing his words, he resisted the urge to do so, and nodded.

"Xiaoye, Xiaoye, you finally came back to see me, I, I'm so happy." Crazy Yu became more and more excited, and tears flowed from his eyes again.

"Aren't I coming back now? Don't cry, get up first, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I won't cry, I won't cry, I'm happy, I'm happy." Crazy Yu got up from the ground while talking, then pulled Sheng Fenghua up again, and dragged her into the room to find a stool went.

Seeing this scene, Da Qin and the others were stunned again, unable to recover for a long time.What's the situation, isn't this lunatic crazy?
But why is he called Sheng Fenghua Xiaoye?Could it be that Sheng Fenghua looks like Xiaoye?

Dabao was even more surprised. Looking at Sheng Fenghua and Crazy Yu, thinking about Sheng Fenghua asking him to ask Sheng's father and Sheng's mother before, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

No wonder!No wonder!
Dabao figured out the key to the matter, and looked at Sheng Fenghua with complicated eyes.

"Hey, Sheng Jiabao, what's going on?" Gangzi and Daqin touched Dabao at the same time and asked.

Dabao shook his head and didn't speak.Although he already had thoughts and guesses in his mind, he couldn't tell Gangzi and Daqin.Even without Sheng Fenghua's consent, even the parents at home couldn't tell.

"Let's go in and have a look?" Da Qin glanced at Madman Yu and Sheng Fenghua who had already entered the room, and suggested.

"Let's go, have a look!" Gangzi immediately agreed. He wanted to know why these lunatics regarded Sheng Fenghua as that Xiaoye, and also wanted to know who that Xiaoye was, and why his father was so taboo against him. I'm afraid, I can't even mention the name.

Dabao didn't want to go in at first, but after thinking about it later, it's better to go and have a look.In case these lunatics are not good for Sheng Fenghua, they can also protect her.

After the three of them entered the room, they saw Sheng Fenghua sitting on the only chair in the room, and Crazy Yu was frantically frantically pouring water for Sheng Fenghua.

"Xiaoye, come, drink water!" Crazy Yu poured a glass of water and brought it to Sheng Fenghua.

"Thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked him, took the water but didn't drink it, but put it aside, then looked at Crazy Yu and said, "Sit down too, let's talk."

"Okay, okay!" Crazy Yu nodded, then looked around the room, but couldn't find a stool, so he finally had to sit down on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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