ace warm marriage

Chapter 881 Birth Mother’s Diary

Chapter 881 Birth Mother's Diary ([-])

What Xiaoye didn't expect was that soon after she came to Shengjia Village, she found out that she was pregnant with a child.

Originally, Xiaoye wanted to kill the child.But after thinking about it, it was the crystallization of her love with the man, and now the man doesn't know what to do.

In case something happens to the man, then this child is the only blood left by him.What's more, the man was hunted down by those bad guys because of her.

So, after thinking about it for a few days, Xiaoye finally kept the child.

However, a single woman was in a strange place, pregnant with a child, and was soon surrounded by strange eyes from everyone.Moreover, Xiaoye is the eldest lady, and has never done anything since she was a child.Not to mention doing farm work, she doesn't even know how to do laundry and cooking.

But in order to survive, for the child in her womb, and to wait for that man, she had to let herself learn to do it.

However, fortunately, she still had some money, and the people in the village were relatively simple, so it didn't make things difficult for her.After knowing that she was pregnant with a child, he would occasionally send her some delicious food.

This kind of life lasted for half a year, and the child in her stomach grew up day by day, but there was no news of the man, which made her more and more worried, and she became extremely thin.It wasn't until one day that she fainted and almost had a miscarriage that she cheered up for the sake of her child.

A few months later, the child was about to be born, but the man still did not come back.She gave birth in the village, and for two whole days, the child was not born.

In the end, the people in the village had no choice but to send her to the hospital in the town to give birth to the child.

After giving birth, her money was almost used up.So she was not hospitalized, so she asked to go back to Shengjia Village.

Back in the village, looking at the child, Xiaoye couldn't help thinking of the man again.Wondering if a man would be happy if he knew she had a baby?

Just as she was thinking, a familiar voice came into Xiaoye's ears.When he looked up and saw the man standing at the door, he wept with joy.

The man is back!
At that moment, Xiaoye felt extremely happy.Leaning in the man's arms, she told him that she gave birth to a child, and it was their child.

Looking at the child, the man was also very happy, holding her and the child for a long time and unwilling to let go.Looking at the man, looking at the child, having a husband and son, Xiaoye feels that this life is complete.She planned the future of the family in her heart, but unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. A few days later, the man suddenly told her that they couldn't stay here anymore and they had to leave.

Hearing that the man said he was going to leave, Xiaoye was still a little bit reluctant.She lived here for almost a year, and she fell in love with the enthusiasm and simplicity of the villagers.

However, the man told her that if she didn't leave, the villagers would be implicated by them.

Xiaoye didn't want to put the villagers in danger because of herself, so she agreed to leave with the man.

However, it was really inconvenient for the two of them to bring a child, so after a final discussion, they decided to keep the child.

In this way, the child was taken away by the man and sent away, while Xiaoye stayed at home and began to cry.

Soon the man came back and told Xiaoye that the child was given to someone in the village, so that she would not be sad, and that she would come back to see the child after she escaped the catastrophe.

Even though Xiaoye was full of reluctance in her heart, she finally left with the man.

The diary is written here, and it is broken.

When I continue to write, it will be a month later.

It turned out that after they left Shengjia Village, they did not go far, but went to another more remote village.

(End of this chapter)

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