ace warm marriage

Chapter 882 Birth Mother’s Diary

Chapter 882 Birth Mother's Diary ([-])

After staying there for a while and finding that those people didn't come after her again, Xiaoye Sinu was eager and quietly went back to Shengjia Village.

She wanted to go back to Shengjia Village to see her daughter.But she didn't expect that at that time, she was discovered.

At the entrance of Shengjia Village, she was arrested.

After the man learned that she had been arrested, he went directly to those people and told them that he was willing to risk his life for his life and asked them to let Xiao Ye go.

Those people don't know Xiaoye's identity at all, and it's a man they always want to catch.Because it was a man who reported the crime in the first place.

So, when they saw the man throwing himself into the trap, they didn't make things difficult for Xiaoye, and they really let her go.

Xiaoye was released, but the man was caught by those people and taken away.Xiaoye returned to the place where they lived alone, and the whole person became distraught.

After a few days of being in such a daze, Xiaoye slowly cheered up.She planned to get the child back, but she didn't know to whom the man took the child.

So, she came to Shengjia Village again.But he did not find his daughter.Unable to find her own child, Xiaoye collapsed again, almost not going crazy.She walked to the river in the village and was about to commit suicide.

It's just that she didn't die, it was Crazy Yu who saved her.

Later, she was raised at Crazy Yu's house for a month.During the recuperation, she was also secretly inquiring about her daughter, but the last news she got was that her daughter had died.

Xiaoye, who was hit again, collapsed again.She wrote down her feelings in her diary, as well as her own decisions.

Therefore, at the end of this diary, I wrote Ye Zi's nostalgia for the man and the child.

It took Sheng Fenghua almost an hour to read the entire diary.

But at this time, on the mountain outside the cave, Dabao was going crazy.It had been more than an hour, not only did Sheng Fenghua not show up, but neither did Crazy Yu.

He was really worried about what Crazy Yu would do to Sheng Fenghua, and worried that Sheng Fenghua would not be able to explain to Si Zhanbei if something happened to him.

I searched for a while, but still couldn't find anyone.Dabao decided to go back and find helpers. If he couldn't find it alone, he would find a few more people, and he would find them.

So, Dabao went down the mountain and went straight to Daqin's house.

When he arrived at Da Qin's house and saw Da Qin, he dragged him away without saying a word.

"Sheng Jiabao, what are you pulling me out for?" After leaving the yard, Daqin stopped, looked at Dabao, and asked.

"Da Qin, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Da Qin asked puzzledly, looked at the anxious Dabao, and said, "Don't worry, speak slowly."

"It's like this. In the morning, my second sister went to look for Crazy Yu, and was taken to the mountain by Crazy Yu. I haven't come back until now. I searched the mountain several times, but I couldn't find anyone, so I came to you for help. We Let's find it together."

Dabao simply told what happened, and Daqin's expression became serious.To be honest, they don't know much about Crazy Yu.

Because he is a lunatic, so little contact with him.So, when he heard that Madman Yu had brought Sheng Fenghua to the mountain and hadn't come down, he couldn't help but feel worried.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Daqin agreed directly, and then said to Dabao: "If we need to find someone, we need to call a few more people. Why don't we call Gangzi and Xiaolin as well."

"Okay, I'll go find Gangzi, you go call Xiao Lin, we'll meet at Crazy Yu's house later."

"it is good!"

After the two discussed it, they split up and acted directly.Dabao went to Gangzi's house, while Daqin went to Xiaolin's house.

(End of this chapter)

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