ace warm marriage

Chapter 883 Birth Mother’s Diary

Chapter 883 Birth Mother's Diary ([-])

On the mountain, in the cave, Crazy Yu watched Sheng Fenghua close the diary, and couldn't help asking: "You've finished reading it, what's written in it?"

Sheng Fenghua took a look at Crazy Yu, handed him the diary, and said, "You can read it yourself!"

However, Crazy Yu did not pick up the diary, but looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "I can't read!"

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback by his words, and then said: "I'm sorry!"

The reason why she showed the diary to Crazy Yu just now was because he had kept these things for more than ten years but never opened them. She felt that he was an upright and trustworthy person.

What's more, he also saved Xiaoye's life.

Unexpectedly, Crazy Yu was illiterate.

"It's okay!" Crazy Yu waved his hand, illiteracy is not a big deal.In their village, there are not many people who can read and write even now, let alone their generation.

So Sheng Fenghua simply told Madman Yu the contents of the diary.

After listening to Sheng Fenghua's report, Crazy Yu suddenly asked: "Did Xiaoye mention her leaving?"


Sheng Fenghua shook his head, looked at Crazy Yu and said, "Xiaoye lived in your house back then, and you saved her life, and she didn't tell you when she left?"

"No, if she said so, I wouldn't let her leave. Because at that time, although she had recuperated for a month, her body was still very weak."

Sheng Fenghua believed Crazy Yu's words.However, Xiaoye did not mention the identities of those big men in her life, nor did she mention why those robbers killed her whole family.

If it was a money grab, the Ye family was not the richest in that place at that time.Moreover, according to Xiaoye, those robbers left after killing someone, and the family's money was not taken away, but burned by a fire.

Sheng Fenghua pondered, guessing the motives and identities of those people.

It's just that, based on the few words in the diary, it's really hard to judge the identities of those people.

After thinking for a while, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to put it down temporarily, then turned to Madman Yu and said, "Uncle Yu, I want to know why people in the village don't let me mention my mother. Did something else happen? ? Or did someone threaten everyone?"

Crazy Yu looked at Sheng Fenghua and fell silent.

Sheng Fenghua didn't rush him, but waited quietly.After a while, Crazy Yu finally spoke up and said, "Not long after Xiaoye left, some people came from the village."

"Who's here?"

"Those people were accompanied by the leaders of the county. They found the village head and asked about Xiaoye."

"The leaders of the county?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, didn't Xiaoye say that the people who killed Ye's family were robbers?How did you get involved with the official again?

"That's right, I heard it was a big official. They actually came to look for Xiaoye, but Xiaoye had already left, so they didn't find it. Before they left, they asked the people in the village to swear that no one would Don't mention anything about Xiaoye again."

"Why did they do this?" Sheng Fenghua was even more puzzled. Could it be that the murder of the Ye family involved a big secret?

Otherwise, why would the other party ask for it?
"I don't know about this. I only know that those people called everyone together and made everyone swear that no matter who they are, they can't mention Xiaoye, and they can't mention them, otherwise disaster will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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