Chapter 885

Sheng Fenghua read the letter once, then closed it with a heavy heart.This is a farewell letter written by the man to Xiaoye. In the letter, he wrote: If one day he dies, let Xiaoye not be sad and live a good life.

Obviously, this letter was written before his accident.It should have been written shortly after he found Xiaoye, because he also mentioned their daughter in the letter.

He said in the letter that Xiaoye didn't have to worry about his daughter, and he entrusted her to a good family.The other party will treat their daughter well and let Xiaoye find someone to marry in the future.

At the end of the letter, the man told Xiaoye not to take revenge, saying that those people were not something they could afford.She also specially told Xiaoye that it is best to keep her name anonymous, and then find someone to marry.

Obviously, Xiaoye didn't see the letter, and Sheng Fenghua didn't find any trace of it being opened.

Sheng Fenghua originally thought that he could find some clues in this letter, but he didn't expect to gain anything.Can't help being disappointed again.

She put the letter back into the envelope, and when she was about to put the letter down, she suddenly noticed something was wrong.Glancing at Crazy Yu, Sheng Fenghua put the letter into his pocket.

After putting away the letter, Sheng Fenghua put the clothes back, then locked the box, put it back to the original place again, and said to Crazy Yu: "Uncle Yu, it's not convenient for me to take these things back, so I put them here first .I'll pick it up when it's convenient for me that day."

"It's up to you. I've already given these things to you. What to do with them is your problem." Crazy Yu said lightly, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

As soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he heard waves of shouts from outside.

He listened carefully for a while, then turned to Sheng Fenghua and said, "Hurry up, someone is looking for you outside."

Sheng Fenghua responded, then packed the things and walked quickly to the entrance of the cave.When I got to the entrance of the cave, I heard that someone was looking for me, and there was more than one person.

"Uncle Yu, I'll go out first." Sheng Fenghua said to Crazy Yu, then quickly left the cave and fled into the distance.

She couldn't let outsiders discover the cave here, so she had to be led away.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua is very skilled, and there are many trees on this mountain.

After she left the cave, she went directly into the forest, so Dabao and the others who were looking for someone did not find her.

Sheng Fenghua drilled in the woods for a while, until he felt that it was almost done, then stopped, and then responded.

"I'm here!" Sheng Fenghua yelled, Dabao and the others were overjoyed when they heard it, and quickly ran towards Sheng Fenghua's direction.

As they ran, they confirmed Sheng Fenghua's location, and they didn't feel relieved until they saw her.

"Second Sister, where have you been? Why did it take you so long to answer us?" Dabao ran up to Sheng Fenghua and said out of breath.

"I didn't go anywhere just now, but I fell asleep on the tree, so I didn't hear it. I'm sorry." Sheng Fenghua made an excuse and pointed to the big tree next to him.

Several people looked up at the big tree, then gave Sheng Fenghua a thumbs up, and said, "Sister Sheng, you are awesome!"

I thought they were only boys who could climb trees, but I didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to be able to climb too.

"Why are you all here?" Sheng Fenghua did not continue this topic, but asked.

She only knew that Dabao was quietly following her, and she ignored it.Later, Crazy Yu led Dabao to dump him, and he didn't care about him anymore.I didn't expect that not only Dabao would be here, but several other people would also come.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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