Chapter 886

"Sister Sheng, it was Dabao who came to find us. He said you were taken up the mountain by Crazy Yu, and he was worried about you, so he brought us together to find you." Daqin looked at Sheng Fenghua and explained.

After explaining, he asked again: "How is it, sister Sheng, are you all right?"

"It's okay, what can I do?" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then said: "I went up the mountain with Crazy Yu, but we separated later."

"That's it, you're fine."

"It's okay. I'm sorry to make you worry. But thank you anyway."

"Sister Sheng, don't thank us. If you want to thank us, thank Dabao. We are all called by him."

"Okay, I thank Dabao. However, you should also thank me." Sheng Fenghua laughed, then looked up at the sun in the sky, it was already high in the sky, and it was time to go back to have lunch.

So, she said to everyone: "It's getting late, let's go down the mountain."


They smiled and agreed, and then went down the mountain with Sheng Fenghua in their arms.Crazy Yu stood at the entrance of the cave, watched Sheng Fenghua and Dabao leave, and then came out and disguised the entrance of the cave again.

After going down the mountain, Sheng Fenghua invited Daqin and others to sit at home, intending to thank them well.In any case, she appreciated their desire to go up the mountain to find her today.

However, Daqin and the others refused.They parted at the intersection and went home.

Back home, Sheng's father and Sheng's mother went to the field and hadn't come back. Sheng Fenghua went back to the room and put the letter and diary into the space, then washed his hands and prepared to cook.

Dabao watched Sheng Fenghua cook, and consciously went to help her light the fire.Although, he had never done such a thing before, but for some reason, he wanted to help Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing Dabao not knowing how to light a fire, and seeing him make the whole kitchen full of smoke, Sheng Fenghua was speechless, kicked him out, and then did it himself.

However, after Dabao went out, he came back quickly, and then consciously sat in front of the stove to help add firewood.Fortunately, after the fire is lit, it will be easy to burn, as long as you add firewood from time to time.

In this way, it would not be difficult for Dabao.

The two siblings, one of them cooks the food while they light the fire, they are not bad at cooperating, and the meal is ready in an hour.

When the parents of the Sheng family came back from the field, they saw Dabao emerge from the kitchen.

Because of the fire, Dabao got a lot of ashes on his face, looking like a cat.Seeing her son's ashen face, Sheng's mother was very distressed, and said, "Dabao, what's wrong with you? Who let you into the kitchen?"

Before Dabao could speak, she said again: "You are a man, you can't enter the kitchen, don't you know?"

When Dabao heard this, he couldn't stand it anymore, and directly retorted: "Mom, my dad is also a man, so you never let him into the kitchen before."

In a word, Sheng's mother was speechless.

Seeing that Mother Sheng stopped talking, Dabao ran directly to the well to wash his face.

After washing his face, Dabao went into the kitchen again and helped Sheng Fenghua bring out the food.

Seeing that her son, who usually wouldn't even help the bottle upside down, ran back and forth to help Sheng Fenghua bring out the food, Mother Sheng felt very uncomfortable.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care what Sheng's mother thought, after setting out the meal, he called out: "Dad, Mom, it's time to eat."

After Father Sheng washed his hands, he sat down on the table, looked at the delicious dishes on the table, and immediately felt his index finger twitch and his appetite whetted.

(End of this chapter)

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