ace warm marriage

Chapter 899 Strange Patient

Chapter 899 Strange Patient ([-])
"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he turned and went back to the ward, then picked up the post-it note on the bedside cabinet and began to write.

What she wrote were all medical terms. Fortunately, Dean Liu is also a doctor, so he knew what the medicine was at a glance.

When Sheng Fenghua finished writing the list, Dean Liu took it to the nurse himself.

When Dean Liu sent people to get the medicine, Sheng Fenghua woke up Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye woke up, looked at Sheng Fenghua who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Doctor, are you done with the examination?"

Sheng Fenghua nodded, then looked at Mr. Ye, and said, "Mr. Ye, are you clear about your illness?"

Mr. Ye nodded and said, "This is the root cause of my illness when I was young."

"Looking at Mr. Ye's appearance, he doesn't look like a poor man. Why didn't you go to a big hospital to see a doctor? If you could have received treatment in time, your health would not have reached this point."

"Let's talk about it, when I have time, I'll talk to the girl again." I don't know if he thought of something bad, Mr. Ye didn't continue this topic.

Sheng Fenghua was not that ignorant person, seeing that the other party was unwilling to bring it up, he didn't ask again, but mentioned another matter, and said: "Mr. Ye, apart from those old wounds, you have also been poisoned." , you should know, right?"

Mr. Ye looked at Sheng Fenghua, was silent for a while, and then replied: "I know."

"Then you..." Sheng Fenghua originally wanted to ask the other party, since he knew, why didn't he cure the poison.However, halfway through the conversation, she stopped talking.Because of this kind of poison, ordinary medicine can't solve it at all.Moreover, not every doctor will understand.

Even in a big hospital, even if the doctor knew that he was poisoned, he didn't know the solution.Therefore, even if she asked her, it was useless.

So, halfway through her words, she didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua stopped asking halfway through the question, Mr. Ye felt a little strange, and said, "What do you want to say, Miss?"

"Nothing?" Sheng Fenghua shook his head and said nothing.

Not long after, Dean Liu came back with a nurse.

"Doctor Sheng, this is Nurse Chen. If you need anything, just tell her. I have some time to go. Let's deal with it first."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, then turned to look at the medicine that Nurse Chen brought.

After the inspection, and it was indeed what she needed, Sheng Fenghua began to mix the medicine.Nurse Chen looked at it and immediately said, "Doctor Sheng, I should do these things."

"Thank you, no need, the ratio of my dispensing is different from your usual one, so I'll do it myself."

Sheng Fenghua quickly prepared the medicine while talking.Nurse Chen watched from the side, and it was indeed a little different from their usual medicine.

After mixing the medicine, Sheng Fenghua asked Nurse Chen to help him infuse Mr. Ye, while she wiped the silver needle from her body and gave Mr. Ye the needle.

The two-pronged approach of infusion and needle injection made Mr. Ye, who was originally depressed, look much better.

After finishing the injection, Nurse Chen looked at Sheng Fenghua sticking a silver needle around the patient's body, she was very curious, and asked, "Doctor Sheng, do you have any explanation for this?"

Sheng Fenghua finished the injection, turned his head to look at Nurse Chen, and said, "There are many acupuncture points on the body, which can correspond to various functions of the body. And by doing this, I am mobilizing the opportunities in his body to let his body These drugs can be absorbed as quickly as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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