ace warm marriage

Chapter 900 Strange Patient

Chapter 900 Strange Patient ([-])
After explaining a sentence, Sheng Fenghua continued to inject needles.She gave Mr. Ye a total of more than ten needles, then stopped, and then said to Nurse Chen: "Look at him, wait until the infusion is finished. Please tell Dean Liu, I will go back first." Come see him tomorrow."

Sheng Fenghua left the ward, ready to go back to the guest house.

At this time, Dabao who had been waiting in the hospital saw Sheng Fenghua come out, and immediately greeted him, saying, "Second Sister, are you done?"

"En!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, then glanced at several people, and said, "There is a patient here, we may have to stay here for a few more days."

"Stay a few more days, we can't leave tomorrow?" Several people looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"Yeah, I can't leave tomorrow. Are you going to go home first, or wait here?" Sheng Fenghua looked at several people and asked.It's not far from home, and if they want to go home, she won't stop them.

Several people looked at each other, thought for a while and said: "Forget it, we still won't go back. It's troublesome to go back and forth, just wait here."

"That's fine, anyway, whatever you want."

Several people talked all the way and returned to the place where they lived.Let’s talk about Mr. Ye, after the injection, he felt much more comfortable physically and in good spirits.

So, when Dean Liu came to visit him, he immediately asked about Sheng Fenghua.

"Dean Liu, where did you invite that girl today?"

"She, it's also fate. She came out of a large hospital in City A. This time, something just happened to come here, and I had a chance with me. I called her today, and I didn't have any hope. I don't think she really came. This is also your luck, I heard from her that she planned to leave today."

"It seems that I'm lucky." Mr. Ye laughed, and then asked: "I heard that the girl's surname is Sheng, what's her name?"

"It seems to be called... Sheng Fenghua." Dean Liu thought for a while and said.He remembered seeing her certificate that day, which seemed to say Sheng Fenghua.

"Sheng Fenghua?" Mr. Ye was taken aback, looking at Dean Liu, his gaze changed.

"what happened?"

"Nothing!" Mr. Ye came back to his senses, but he didn't say much, but asked again: "Would it be convenient for Dean Liu to tell me her phone number?"

"Of course." Dean Liu laughed, and as he spoke, he took the note next to him and wrote Sheng Fenghua's phone number to Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye took the note, put the phone away carefully, and said to Dean Liu, "I'm much better now, and I want to be discharged this afternoon."

"What, leave the hospital in the afternoon?" Dean Liu was startled, looked at Mr. Ye and said, "Your health has just started to improve, why are you in such a hurry to show up?"

"My body, I know that even if I live here, it won't get better for a while. Instead of living here, I might as well go home and live."

"But?" Dean Liu wanted to persuade Mr. Ye again, but Mr. Ye did not let him speak out, and said directly: "I have already made a decision, so you don't need to persuade Dean Liu anymore."

"In this case, I won't say anything anymore. If you still feel unwell after returning home, remember to call me."

"Okay!" Mr. Ye nodded, then sat up from the hospital bed, ready to leave the hospital and go home.

When Dean Liu told Sheng Fenghua that Mr. Ye was discharged from the hospital, Sheng Fenghua couldn't react and asked, "What's going on, why did he go home?"

(End of this chapter)

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