ace warm marriage

Chapter 905 Rescuing People in the Car

Chapter 905 Rescuing People in the Car ([-])

As soon as her words fell, Dabao immediately answered, and said, "Sister, you must never let us live in the guest house again. We have been staying in the guest house this morning, and we are going crazy. So, you still take us to Let's take a stroll."

"Yes, Sister Sheng, why don't you take us for a stroll." Xiao Lin on the side also agreed.

"Where are you two?" Sheng Fenghua turned to ask Daqin and Gangzi.

Daqin and Gangzi looked at each other, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "We also want to take a stroll, this is the first time we have come to this county."

"Well, since everyone has decided to go shopping, let's go shopping together."

Sheng Fenghua left his luggage at the train station, and then took a few people to the county town.To be honest, the county is not big, but Dabao and the others have never been here, so they find it very novel, talking and laughing along the way, very happy.

Sheng Fenghua took everyone on a tour of the entire county. Seeing that the time was almost up and everyone was tired from walking, they went to have dinner together before heading to the train station.

Back at the train station, there was still an hour before the departure time, Sheng Fenghua took everyone into the station and waited inside.

An hour later, the train left on time.

After getting on the train and putting away their luggage, they sat down.The tickets Sheng Fenghua bought were consecutive numbers, and the five of them happened to sit together.Sheng Fenghua and Daqin sat in a row, and Dabao and the others sat across from each other.

"Sister, there are so many people on this train." Dabao sat down, glanced at the people in the carriage, and clicked his tongue.It was the first time for them to take the train, and they didn't expect so many people on the train.

"There are still few people here. If it's the turn of Chinese New Year or Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be more people than now." Although Sheng Fenghua had never taken a train at that time, he often saw the Spring Festival travel festival in the news and newspapers. , the train station and the train are full of people.

"No way."

"Sister Sheng, how long will it take to get to City A?"

"About fifteen hours."

"It's been so long, what should we do with dinner?"

"When it's time to eat, there are food sellers on the train, and there will be snack sellers later. If you are hungry, you can buy some to eat."

"Let's forget it, we'll eat it when we eat."

A few people spoke without saying a word. I don't know if it was because they were tired from walking before, but they soon became sleepy, so they each leaned on their chairs and closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Sheng Fenghua also closed his eyes, and then suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to read the letter again during this busy schedule.It seems that we can only go back to City A to have a look.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help feeling a little regretful, and didn't know what secret was in that envelope?
The carriage was a little noisy, and Sheng Fenghua couldn't sleep at all.He couldn't help opening his eyes to look at Dabao and the others, only to see that they were already snoring, so he couldn't help smiling.

Secretly said: They are able to live with the situation, and they are not afraid that she will sell them.

In the middle of the night, the carriage became quiet.Sheng Fenghua was about to take a nap, but suddenly the train broadcast sounded, and the flight attendant was looking for a doctor, saying that a child had a sudden illness.

At this time, the train was on its way, and it would take an hour before the next station.And there was no stop on the way, so the flight attendant was looking for a doctor's help on the train.

When the broadcast sounded, everyone who had fallen asleep woke up.Sheng Fenghua watched Dabao and the others wake up, and immediately said to them: "You guys sit here and wait for me, I'll go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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