ace warm marriage

Chapter 906 Rescuing People in the Car

Chapter 906

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua quickly left his seat, unpacked his luggage, took out his medicine box, and went to find the flight attendant.

"Comrade flight attendant, I am a doctor, where is that patient?"

"The patient has been sent to the sleeper car now, please follow me." The flight attendant said while leading Sheng Fenghua to the sleeper car.

On the way there, the flight attendant also deliberately turned on the walkie-talkie and talked to the train conductor, telling him that he had found a doctor and was taking him to the sleeper car.

The hard-seat car Sheng Fenghua sat in was a bit far from the sleeper car, and there were many people in the aisle, which took a lot of time.Fortunately, there was a flight attendant with her, and Sheng Fenghua carried a medicine box on her back. After seeing it, everyone immediately understood that she was a doctor who was going to treat the child who had a sudden illness. Many people offered to let the two of them pass.

In the sleeper car, the child's parents were in a hurry.The mother was holding the child and was constantly comforting the sick child.And the father kept looking at the entrance of the passage, and asked, "What about the doctor, why hasn't the doctor come yet?"

"Come on, come on!" The flight attendant walking in front of Sheng Fenghua heard the man's words as soon as he entered the carriage, and immediately responded.

"Quick, quick, quick, the doctor is here."

"Doctor, here, here." The man saw Sheng Fenghua and shouted loudly.

Sheng Fenghua quickened his pace, came to the man, and then walked towards the mother who was sitting on the lower bunk.

At this time, the child's face had turned a little purple, and it was obvious that he was about to suffocate.

Seeing that the mother was still holding the child tightly, Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, and he said, "Put the child down quickly, he's going to suffocate."

Mom couldn't react for a while, and stared blankly at Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing her like this, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to do it himself, snatching the child from the mother's hands, and laying him flat on the berth.

After putting it away, she immediately opened the medicine box, took out the silver needles inside, and gave the child a few needles directly.

After a few injections, the child's symptoms improved a little, and his complexion slowly returned to normal.At this time, the child's father and mother gathered around at the same time and asked, "How is it? How is my child?"

"Don't worry, the child will be fine." Sheng Fenghua comforted the other party, and then pricked the child's body a few more times before stopping.

"Take a step back first, don't get too close and affect the child's breathing. Don't worry, the child will be fine with me."

Seeing that the child's breathing had stabilized, Sheng Fenghua turned his head and said to the parents.

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the child's father and mother glanced at the son lying on the bed, seeing that his expression had returned to normal, they were slightly relieved, and then took a few steps back.However, they were not too far away.

Seeing the two back away a little, Sheng Fenghua put away the silver needle, and then reached out to feel the child's pulse.

After checking the pulse for a while, Sheng Fenghua turned to look at the child's parents, and asked, "Did you feed her anything before?"

"Yes, yes, we will give the child a piece of bread."

"What about the bread, is there any left?" Sheng Fenghua asked.

"Yes, the child ate half of the bread, and the other half was not finished. I put it away." The man opened the luggage while talking, took out the remaining half of the bread, and handed it to Sheng Fenghua, saying : "That's it. The child hasn't finished eating, so there are still these left."

(End of this chapter)

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