ace warm marriage

Chapter 909 Clues in the letter

Chapter 909 Clues in the Letter ([-])

"Often?" Sheng Fenghua laughed and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, I'm often not at home."

"Why, does sister Sheng go to work every day?"

"Yes, otherwise, you think I still stay at home every day?"

"I don't know where sister Sheng works?"

"I can't tell you this for the time being. You will know when you have a chance in the future."

"All right!"

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua didn't want to say anything, they didn't ask any more questions.After eating, Sheng Fenghua asked them to go back to Dayong to rest.

The next day, after breakfast, according to Sheng Fenghua's instructions, Dayong took several people to Shengshi Pharmaceutical's pharmaceutical factory for an interview.

Of course, it is impossible for Dabao and the others to do some technical work, so they can only do some odd jobs, or patrol and guard work like Ah Cai.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua had already warned them, so they did not express any dissatisfaction.In addition, those jobs are much easier than farming, and there are wages, which are not low, and several people have no objections.

After the interview, the jobs of several people were decided.

But when Dayong took a few people to the interview, Sheng Fenghua received a call from the train conductor, asking if Sheng Fenghua had time, and it happened that he was also on vacation, so he could drive to pick her up to see his old mother.

When he learned that Sheng Fenghua was fine for the time being, the conductor drove the car to the gate of the community where Sheng Fenghua lived, picked her up and went back home directly.

The place where the train conductor lives is a little far from where Sheng Fenghua lives, and it takes about an hour to drive.

By the time Sheng Fenghua arrived at the conductor's house, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, the train conductor's family members were very enthusiastic and greeted Sheng Fenghua to drink tea and eat fruit.Sheng Fenghua thanked him with a smile, and after taking a sip of tea, he told the long train that he was going to see his old mother.

The conductor's old mother stayed in the room most of the time due to inconvenient legs and feet.Although there is also a wheelchair at home, her old man doesn't like to come out very much, but likes to stay in the study, and she stays for a whole day.

It will be the same this time, she is reading a book in the study.

When the conductor brought Sheng Fenghua into the study, Sheng Fenghua saw an old lady with silver hair, sitting on a chair by the window and reading a book.

She was wearing a pair of reading glasses, a blanket was covered on her legs, and her face was kind, giving people a kind of peaceful beauty of the years.

"Mom, Dr. Sheng is here." The train conductor shouted after entering the study.

Hearing her son's yell, the old lady put down the book in her hand, helped the reading glasses she was wearing, and looked towards the door.

When she saw Sheng Fenghua, she was slightly taken aback.

"Mom, this is Dr. Sheng." The train conductor came to his mother and introduced Sheng Fenghua again.

"Hello, old lady!" Sheng Fenghua greeted with a smile on his face.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the old lady came back to her senses, waved to Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Girl, come closer."

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and took a few steps forward, and squatted down beside the old lady, then looked up at her slightly, and shouted: "Old lady!"

"Like, really like!" The old lady looked at Sheng Fenghua who was close at hand, with a look of nostalgia on her face.

However, Sheng Fenghua was stunned by her words, slightly startled, looked at the old lady, and asked after a while: "Old lady, what did you just say?"

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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