ace warm marriage

Chapter 910 Clues in the letter

Chapter 910 Clues in the Letter ([-])

But the old lady didn't answer her words, but asked directly: "Miss, where are you from, do you have any relatives at home?"

"I'm from County C. I have parents, an older sister, and a younger brother." Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile, then looked down at the old lady's legs.

It's a pity that the old lady's legs were covered by a blanket, so she couldn't see them at all.

But at this time, the old lady asked again, "Girl, what's your mother's name?"

"My mother's surname is Huang, and her name is Yanqiu." Sheng Fenghua directly said Sheng's mother's name, but did not say the name of his biological mother.

One is that she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, and the other is that she thinks that the old lady in front of her may know her mother, or maybe someone else from her mother's family.

Now, it is not clear whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, so she can't take risks.

"Surnamed Huang?" The old lady was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't believe it. She looked into Sheng Fenghua's eyes and asked, "Miss, are you right? How could your mother's surname be Huang?"

"Madam, my mother's surname is indeed Huang, and everyone in the village knows it."

"People from the village?" The old lady was stunned again, and said, "Don't you live in City S? How could you be in the countryside?"

Sheng Fenghua's heart was shocked. She remembered that it was written in the diary that her mother, Ye Qingge, was from S City.Could it be that the old lady in front of her really knew her mother?

However, she didn't show it on her face, she still had a slight smile on her face, and said: "Madam, I have always lived in Shengjia Village in County C, and I grew up in the countryside since I was a child. My parents are also authentic Daoist rural people."

"Really?" The old lady couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, and she slowly looked away from Sheng Fenghua.

Feeling the old lady's depression, Sheng Fenghua didn't know how to comfort her.

So she turned to look at the conductor.

The conductor of the train was stunned when his mother asked Sheng Fenghua to come closer, and it was only when Sheng Fenghua looked at him that he came back to his senses, and then said to his mother: "Mom, Doctor Sheng is my special purpose. Please come and see your legs, is it convenient for her to show you now?"

When the old lady heard her son speak, she recovered from the past, glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "All right!"

Hearing that the old lady was willing to show her legs, Sheng Fenghua smiled slightly, and then said to her: "Old lady, before helping you look at your legs, let me take your pulse first."

"You can feel the pulse?" The old lady was a little surprised, she looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Didn't you grow up in the countryside? How can you feel the pulse?"

Sheng Fenghua smiled, but didn't answer, it was impossible for her to tell the other party that she had lived two lives.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything, the old lady didn't ask.

After checking the pulse for a while to confirm the old lady's condition, she let go of her hand, and then lifted the blanket on the opponent's leg to check her leg.

Sheng Fenghua reached out and pinched the old lady's leg, asking her how she felt while pinching.

After she had checked both of the old lady's legs, the train conductor at the side immediately asked, "How is it, can my mother stand up on this leg again?"

"Fortunately, although the rheumatism on the old lady's legs is a bit serious, it is no problem to stand up after treatment, but you can't walk a long distance, and you can't walk too fast."

The train conductor didn't pay attention to what Sheng Fenghua said later, he was so excited after only listening to the first half of the sentence.Looking at Sheng Fenghua, he asked, "Doctor Sheng, is what you said true? You didn't lie to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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