Chapter 945
After moving around for a while, his hands and feet became less numb, and Mr. Ye opened the room and walked out.

Standing in the yard, smelling the fresh air, Mr. Ye fetched a basin of water, brushed his teeth and washed his face before jogging in the yard.

He ran ten laps in the yard before he stopped, then went back to the house, changed his clothes, and went out.

Wang Xiaohua, who came to cook for him, saw Mr. Ye going out, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Ye, where are you going this early in the morning?"

"Go for a walk!" Mr. Ye replied, and then walked towards the village.There is an old branch secretary living in the village, and he wants to ask him some things.

He came here also because of a dream.In the dream, he lived in this village called Gujia Village for a while.

However, why he came here, and why he left here, he still can't remember.There is no reason for coming and leaving in the dream.

Mr. Ye felt that he might have lost his memory.In order to retrieve his lost memory, he came to this village on purpose and lived there for more than a year.But apart from feeling that this village is very familiar, I still can't think of anything else.

And the previous dream did not continue, and he hadn't even had a dream for more than half a year.But that day, after seeing Sheng Fenghua, after Sheng Fenghua detoxified him, he started dreaming again.And it was still such a dream, who is that girl?

When Mr. Ye walked to the old party secretary's house, the old party secretary had just woken up.Seeing Mr. Ye who was waiting at the door, he was a little surprised and asked, "Mr. Ye, why are you here?"

"Old branch secretary, I have something to ask you for advice!" Mr. Ye said with a smile.

"Go inside and talk!" The old party secretary invited Mr. Ye into the house, sat down, and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"Old branch secretary, I want to ask you, have any foreigners lived in your village before?"

"Why did you suddenly ask this?" The old party secretary looked at Mr. Ye with a look of surprise. Since he came, he has been reclusive, and occasionally wanders around the village, just to say hello to everyone.

"I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I lived here for a while." Mr. Ye said half-truthfully, which made the old branch secretary startled, and then looked up at Mr. Ye.

Someone did live in this village before, but that was 20 years ago.Moreover, it was a couple who lived there. Both the man and the woman were good-looking, and the man was handsome and the woman was pretty.

While recalling, the old branch secretary wanted to find out the similarities between the man's face and the person 20 years ago.

However, he was disappointed.Although the man in front of him looked very old due to illness, no matter in face shape or eyes, he couldn't find any resemblance to the man 20 years ago.

"Old party secretary, what's the matter with you?" Mr. Ye looked at the old party secretary in a daze, and asked.

"No, it's nothing!" The old branch secretary came back to his senses and shook his head.

"Old party secretary, you haven't told me yet, did any foreigners live here before?" Mr. Ye asked again.

The old branch secretary glanced at Mr. Ye, hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes, yes!"

"Then can you tell me something? How many people came here, and how long have they lived here?" Mr. Ye was a little anxious.

Seeing Mr. Ye like this, the old branch secretary didn't want to say anything at first, but he hesitated when he thought that Mr. Ye had donated a large sum of money to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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