Chapter 946
"What's the matter, old party secretary, do you have any concerns?" Mr. Ye saw the old party secretary's embarrassment, and assured him: "Old party secretary, don't worry, I won't tell others."

"Mr. Ye, I shouldn't have said this, but you have made a contribution to our village, so it's okay to tell you. However, I declare in advance that that matter cannot be spread outside the public. Besides, you will be out of this house. If you haven’t heard about it, don’t tell others. Otherwise, it will bring trouble to our village.”

"Don't worry, old party secretary, I will definitely not go out and talk nonsense. Moreover, if my dream is true, I suspect that the person who lived here was me." Mr. Ye said sincerely.

"Okay, then you must keep it a secret!"

"Don't worry, old branch secretary!"

The old branch secretary felt relieved, and then began to tell Mr. Ye what happened 20 years ago.Following the story of the old party secretary, Mr. Ye's mood also fluctuated.

He always felt that what the old branch secretary was talking about was his own affairs, even though he had long since lost that memory, but those experiences seemed to be what he had personally experienced.

From the time the couple came to live here, the two loved each other very much, and then the wife missed her daughter eagerly, and then went to find her daughter, but was found and taken away by the enemy.After the man got the news, he went alone to change his wife's life, and his life and death were unknown in the end.

When the old party secretary talked about it, he stopped and didn't say any more.

Mr. Ye waited for a while, but he couldn't help asking, "Old branch secretary, what happened later? What happened to that wife later?"

"What happened later, I just heard about it. I heard that the man's wife jumped into the river, but she survived and was rescued. After that, there was no news about her. Some people said she left, and some said she was dead. .”

For some reason, when he heard the old party secretary say that the woman was dead, Mr. Ye's heart throbbed and his face became ugly.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter with you?" The old branch secretary asked with concern when he noticed Mr. Ye's strangeness.He knew that Mr. Ye was ill, and he went to the town to be hospitalized a few days ago, so he was very concerned about his health.

"I'm fine!" Mr. Ye shook his head, looked at the concerned old branch secretary, and said with some embarrassment: "It's time, I haven't had breakfast yet, I'm a little hungry."

"It turns out that I'm hungry, so you should go back and have breakfast." The old party secretary was slightly relieved when he heard that Mr. Ye was just hungry.He was really worried that there was something wrong with Mr. Ye's health. If that was the case, he had to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Okay, old branch secretary, thank you today. Then I'll go back first."

"Go, be careful on the road."

Mr. Ye stood up and said goodbye.However, after he walked a few steps, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked the old branch secretary what the name of the foreigner was, so he stopped, turned to look at the old branch secretary and asked: "Old branch secretary, I just forgot to ask You, what's the name of that foreigner?"

"The name!" The old branch secretary thought for a while, and then said: "I don't remember the name, but I only remember that the man's surname is Ning, and the woman's surname is Ye. Everyone calls the man Xiao Ning and the woman Xiao Ye."

"Thank you!" Mr. Ye thanked the old branch secretary again, and then left to go back to the place where he lived.

Back at the place where she lived, Wang Xiaohua had already prepared breakfast.Seeing Mr. Ye came back, he immediately laughed and said, "Mr. Ye, you are back. Breakfast is ready, should I serve it now, or warm it in the pot first?"

(End of this chapter)

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