Chapter 952
After listening to Sheng Fenghua's words, the old man thought about it and agreed.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua went to the person in charge of resettling the victims, negotiated with them, and asked for a resettlement room for the old and the young.

The resettlement house was available, so she returned to the old man's bed and told her that the place where she lived was found.

As soon as the old man heard that he had a place to live, he no longer wanted to stay in the hospital for treatment, and had to be discharged from the hospital now.

Sheng Fenghua was a little helpless, so he had to find someone to handle the discharge procedures for the old man, and then took them to the resettlement house.

After the old man and Xiaoyu were settled, Sheng Fenghua went back to rest.

Back at her place of residence, she couldn't wait to send a message to Si Zhanbei.Of course, she didn't directly tell Si Zhanbei that she had the ability to see through.Instead, tell him that his eyesight has suddenly become better than before.

She also jokingly said to Si Zhanbei: "Zhanbei, if you shoot in the future, I will definitely beat you."

Hearing his daughter-in-law's confident words, Si Zhanbei laughed and replied, "Okay, my wife is better than me, so she has to cover me a little bit in the future."

"Don't worry, you belong to my sister, and my sister will definitely protect you."

The two were poor for a while, and then Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei seriously that he got the things, but he didn't know what was inside yet.

When Si Zhanbei heard that she had already got the things, he asked worriedly, "Daughter-in-law, are you not injured or anything?"

"I'm fine, don't worry!"

Sheng Fenghua didn't tell Si Zhanbei about her fainting, she didn't want him to worry.Besides, the matter has already passed, and there is no point in talking about it.

The two chatted for a while, and did not rest until it was a little late.

Besides, in Gujia Village, Mr. Ye took Sheng Fenghua's medicine for a period of time, and recuperated for a few days, feeling much better.

For this reason, he decided to go to Shengjia Village, preferably to find that crazy man, to see if he knew Xiaoye's whereabouts.

Now, Mr. Ye has confirmed that Xiaoye may be his wife, and they have a child.

That day, he called Sheng Fenghua and didn't answer. Later that night, Sheng Fenghua called him back and asked about his health.

Originally, Mr. Ye wanted to ask Sheng Fenghua if her mother was Xiaoye, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not the time.However, he asked Sheng Fenghua if he was from the Sheng family village.

After getting an affirmative answer, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart that Sheng Fenghua might be his and Xiaoye's child.

For a moment, Mr. Ye wanted to recognize Sheng Fenghua.But when he thought that his memory hadn't recovered yet, and he couldn't remember some things at all, he had no choice but to suppress the urge.

He planned to wait until he had figured everything out and remembered, before meeting each other.In this way, if Sheng Fenghua asked about the things between him and her mother, he would be able to tell.

After breakfast, Mr. Ye hired a tricycle in the village and headed towards Shengjia Village.

When he arrived at Shengjia Village, Mr. Ye found out where Crazy Yu lived, and asked the tricycle to wait for him at the entrance of the village, and walked to Crazy Yu's house at the end of the village alone.

Walking in the village, Mr. Ye wanted to find a sense of familiarity from his memory.Unfortunately, he still couldn't remember anything, and he felt very strange to this place, as if he had never been here before.

Walk all the way, ask all the way.Mr. Ye came to the door of Crazy Yu's house, looked at the closed door, and knocked on it.

Crazy Yu was still sleeping on the bed. Since Sheng Fenghua left, his life has returned to peace.

(End of this chapter)

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