Chapter 953
Although he was not crazy for the time being, no one in the village noticed him, and they still regarded him as a lunatic, and they all stayed away when they saw him.

Hearing the knock on the door, Crazy Yu got up from the bed and opened the door.

When he saw the strange Mr. Ye standing outside, he frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Are you Brother Yu?" Mr. Ye was slightly surprised to see that Crazy Yu spoke clearly, not like a lunatic.

He clearly remembered that Wang Xiaohua said that Crazy Yu had been crazy for many years and hadn't seen better.But now, this person doesn't look crazy at all.

What is going on here?
Could it be that the remaining lunatics have recovered from their madness?
Just as he was thinking, Crazy Yu looked Mr. Ye up and down and asked, "Who are you?"

"My surname is Ye!"

When Crazy Yu heard Mr. Ye's surname, his eyes flickered and he asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Can I go in and talk?" Mr. Ye glanced at Crazy Yu and asked.

"Come in!" Crazy Yu let the door open, then turned and entered the room.Mr. Ye followed Crazy Yu into the room, looked around, and then sat down on the only chair in the room.

"Now can you tell me why you came to see me?" Crazy Yu looked at Mr. Ye and asked again.It can be seen that Mr. Ye is not from here.

He was not a local, but he came to look for him again. For some reason, Crazy Yu suddenly felt that the man in front of him might have come for Xiaoye.

Because, he is a lunatic and has no chance to contact people outside.Now, this person came to him on purpose, only because of the past.

"Brother Yu, do you know Xiaoye?"

As soon as Mr. Ye mentioned Xiaoye, Crazy Yu immediately became vigilant and asked, "Who are you?"

Before, Sheng Fenghua came to him because Sheng Fenghua was Xiaoye's child.But now, this man is looking for him because of Xiaoye.Who would he be under Xiaoye?
"I'm Xiaoye's elder brother!" Mr. Ye lied.One reason is that his surname is Ye now, so it would be more appropriate to say that he is the elder brother.

Second, because Crazy Yu used to be Xiaoye's admirer, if he said that he was Xiaoye's husband, he might be hostile towards him, so he couldn't get any news.

"Brother?" Crazy Yu was taken aback, looking at Mr. Ye with suspicion.Xiao Yeke never mentioned that she also has an older brother.

Moreover, since he is Xiaoye's elder brother, why didn't he come to find Xiaoye before.More than 20 years have passed now, Xiaoye's life and death are uncertain, he just came, isn't it too late?

"That's right, I'm her elder brother. I heard from others that Xiaoye once lived in your village, and you took good care of her. Thank you, thank you for taking care of Xiaoye for me."

While talking, Mr. Ye stood up and bowed to Crazy Yu.

Crazy Yu was originally resentful towards Mr. Ye, but when he saw him thanking him so solemnly, he couldn't react for a while.

After a while, he waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be polite, this is what I should do."

After Mr. Ye thanked Crazy Yu, he sat down again and said, "Brother Yu, can you tell me about Xiaoye's stay in your Shengjia Village? I heard that when she came here, pregnant It’s been hard with the kids.”

"Yeah, back then she came here alone, she was unfamiliar with the place, and she was pregnant with a child. It was really hard. But most of the people in the village were kind-hearted and helped her secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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