Chapter 954
"You don't know, she is a girl from the city. She didn't know anything at the beginning. She learned to wash and cook for a long time. And she can't make a fire. She once burned her hand, leaving a big scar on her hand. scar."

"Also, she was carrying water with a big belly, and she almost fell down several times. Later, people in the village couldn't see it. They went to help her carry water every day."

"Also, when she gave birth, because she didn't have enough money, she came back directly after giving birth, and she didn't even live in the hospital."

"..." Crazy Yu intermittently told about Xiaoye's past events, which made Mr. Ye's heart ache.

Although he knew that it would be difficult for Xiaoye to live alone in the village, he never thought that it would be so difficult.

Crazy Yu talked for about an hour, until his mouth was dry, and then he stopped.

Mr. Ye couldn't recover for a long time after Crazy Yu stopped.Until Crazy Yu called him: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye?"

"Mr. Ye, the matter of Ye Zi is a taboo in our village. Generally speaking, I will tell you because you are her brother. Please keep it secret for me after you leave, and don't tell others that it is yours." I told you."

After hearing this, Mr. Ye looked puzzled, looked at Crazy Yu and asked, "Why?"

"It's a matter of fact, so I won't tell you the details. In short, please remember that Xiaoye's name is a taboo in the village. Except for me, no one would dare to tell you."

Mr. Ye saw that Madman Yu didn't want to say anything, and he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he asked another question: "Brother Yu, I don't know where Xiao Ye went after that, do you know?"

"Mr. Ye, I can't help you with this. I also want to know where Xiaoye has gone. If I knew, I would have gone to her a long time ago, and I wouldn't have been crazy for more than ten years."

After hearing this, Mr. Ye was a little disappointed.After a while, he asked again: "Brother Yu, you said that Xiaoye had a child, but where is that child now?"

"Xiaoye's child?" Crazy Yu thought of Sheng Fenghua and thought that she had left, so he couldn't help saying with some regret: "Mr. Ye, you are late. Xiaoye's child has left some time ago, this meeting should go to him The husband's place. By the way, I heard that her husband is a soldier. If you want to find her, you can follow this clue."

Mr. Ye saw that he couldn't ask anything from Crazy Yu's mouth, so he got up and left.Before leaving, he left some money for Crazy Yu.

He knew that Madman Yu was not doing well, so he left some money for him, which was considered as a reward for saving Xiaoye's life.

Mr. Ye left, Crazy Yu looked at the stack of money on the table, his eyes flickered.He took the money and wanted to chase it out and return it to Mr. Ye.But after a few steps, he stopped again.

He struggled a bit in his heart, and finally kept the money.He is already old, and he can't earn much money when he goes out.In addition, he is a lunatic, and almost no one will ask him to do things, so it is even more difficult to make money.

Now, it's not that the money came from wrong sources, so it's better to keep it for emergencies.

Thinking of this, Crazy Yu collected the money.

After leaving Crazy Yu's house, Mr. Ye was walking back.Halfway through the walk, he suddenly wanted to visit Sheng's house.

He wanted to see what kind of family Sheng Fenghua was raised in, and the place where Sheng Fenghua lived.

So, he asked for the address of the Sheng family, and then looked for it.

(End of this chapter)

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