Chapter 955
When Mr. Ye approached the alley of Sheng's house, some pictures began to flash in his mind.It's just that the picture is a little messy, and he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Also, his head started to hurt.

For this reason, Mr. Ye stopped and did not go any further.It wasn't until the pain in the head stopped that it moved forward again.

The closer he got to the Sheng family's courtyard, the more images flashed through Mr. Ye's mind, like a horse watching flowers, so fast that he couldn't grasp it.

Until he stopped outside Sheng's courtyard, the picture in his mind also froze. Memories from 20 years ago flooded back.

Yes, this is the house. Twenty years ago, he held his child and wanted to find someone to adopt him, but he asked one after another, but no one was willing.

Finally, he heard that the Sheng family had given birth to a child, but the child did not live.Therefore, he came to Sheng's house with the mentality of giving it a try, and knocked on the door of their house.

The Sheng family was also unwilling at first, but later he took a large sum of money and begged them before agreeing to adopt him.

In order to remember which family the child was given to, he deliberately looked at the Sheng family several times, and firmly remembered the appearance of the Sheng family.

Mr. Ye stood blankly at the entrance of Sheng's courtyard, looking at the closed courtyard door, but did not go forward.The house is the same as it was 20 years ago, but much older.It can be seen that the conditions of the Sheng family are not good.

Thinking about it this way, Sheng Fenghua's life in the Sheng family is actually not good.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ye couldn't help feeling guilty.It was because he was incompetent and unable to protect the child, so he had to send her away, making her live a hard life.

However, the Sheng Fenghua he saw that day seemed to be living a good life.He can see a doctor, he can detoxify, and he looks high-spirited.It is estimated that it is the credit of her husband.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ye couldn't help but develop a good impression of Si Zhanbei.He thought that if he had the chance, he would have to meet Sheng Fenghua's husband, his son-in-law, for a while.

Mr. Ye stood outside the Sheng's courtyard for a while, then turned and left.

Not long after he left, Father Sheng and Mother Sheng came back.Father Sheng frowned slightly when he saw Mr. Ye's receding figure.

After Mr. Ye left Sheng's house, he went directly to the village.The tricycle that brought him is still there.

"Mr. Ye, are you going back?" Xiao Mo, who was driving, saw Mr. Ye coming back, and asked with a smile.

"Well, let's go back." Mr. Ye nodded and got on the tricycle.

Xiao Mo watched Mr. Ye sit down, and then rode the tricycle back to Gujia Village.

After returning to the village, Mr. Ye was a little tired. He didn't even eat, so he went back to his room and lay down.

Lying on the bed, he sorted out the things he thought of in front of Sheng's house before, and then tried to think of other things.

However, his head hurts just thinking about it.In the end, the pain was so unbearable that I had to give up.

After a good night's sleep, Mr. Ye's spirit improved a lot, and he couldn't help but want to call Sheng Fenghua again.But when she thought that she was in the disaster area, she put down her phone again.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, ever since he knew that his eyes had the ability to see through, he has deliberately used this function.

But every time before the X-ray, she will give the patient a pulse.After taking the pulse, use the fluoroscopy function again, and then compare the result of the pulse with the result of your own fluoroscopy.

After a comparison, Sheng Fenghua found that what she saw through perspective was the same as the result of feeling the pulse.

This discovery surprised her.She thought to herself, in the future, she would be able to know the other person's illness without even taking the pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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