Chapter 956
However, Sheng Fenghua also knew that his ability was too heaven-defying.If it is not a last resort, it is better to use it sparingly.

For this reason, when Sheng Fenghua sees a patient, he still takes the pulse first, and then determines the symptoms and physical condition.

In a blink of an eye, Sheng Fenghua had been in the disaster area for ten days.There were fewer and fewer wounded, and they gradually relaxed.

But at this moment, the weather was not good, and it began to rain.

When it rains, the ground becomes muddy.The tent Sheng Fenghua and the others lived in also became damp, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

This is not the most serious problem. The serious thing is that the place where they are located belongs to the mountainous area.After a big earthquake, the mountain soil was already loose.After such a rain, mudslides occurred in many places on the mountain.As a result, some villages that were not affected by the earthquake were flooded by mudslides.

The villages were flooded and the villagers were buried. After getting the news, the People's Liberation Army immediately rushed to those villages to rescue the villagers.

As a soldier and a doctor, Sheng Fenghua went to those places with his troops without hesitation.

Some villages have not been affected by mudslides, but they also need to disperse people.Sheng Fenghua followed the army to a small village at the foot of the green hill.

There are old people and children living in the village, they are called left-behind children and old people.

When Sheng Fenghua and the others arrived in the rain, there were fifty households in the village, and the total number of young and middle-aged people was less than ten.The people in the village had no intention of leaving at all, and they were still busy with farm work or housework in the fields, so it was strange to see the arrival of the People's Liberation Army.

The head of the village is an old man in his 50s. He greeted Sheng Fenghua and his party.

"Comrades of the People's Liberation Army, why are you here?"

The leader of the People's Liberation Army was named Liu, and everyone called him Captain Liu, who negotiated with the village chief.

"Uncle, we are here to move you." Captain Liu looked at the village head and said with a smile.

"Moving, what house are you moving?" The village chief looked at everyone with a puzzled face and said, "We live well here, why should we move?"

"Uncle, it's raining heavily. The previous earthquake has shaken the mountains behind your village, and it's easy to cause mudslides when it rains. This will be very dangerous, so we were ordered to come and help you move."

"What? Mudslide?" The village chief looked at Captain Liu in surprise, pointed to the Qingshan Mountains behind him, and said, "Comrade PLA, stop joking. Our ancestors have lived here for hundreds of years, but Never seen a mudslide."

"Uncle, I'm not joking. The villages near you have already been buried by mudslides. For your safety, you should quickly gather everyone and move."

"No, we won't move. If we live well, why do we move? Besides, where can we move when we move? In the counties and towns outside, we heard that the houses collapsed and people died because of the earthquake, so We're not going."

Before the village chief could speak, a young man suddenly interrupted.The young man was originally working in the fields, but when he saw so many People's Liberation Army suddenly coming, he was a little curious, so he followed.

No, he heard the People's Liberation Army urging the village chief to let everyone move as soon as he came.

Although it is a rural area, there are many things at home.It takes time and effort to move, not to mention that you can't bring all your things with you.

Moreover, the village is full of old people and children, and there are not many young and middle-aged people. How will the family move for the old and the young?
(End of this chapter)

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