Chapter 957
"Comrade, it's very dangerous here. It's been raining all the time, and no one knows when the mudslide will come. So, we have to take advantage of this time to take you to a safe place." Captain Liu glanced at the young man, Persuade.

"Forget it, we're not leaving. Our homes are here, where else can we go?" The young man was unmoved at all, turned to look at the village chief and said, "Uncle, don't trust them If so. We have lived here for a long time, but we have never encountered any mudslides."

However, the village head looked up at the green hills behind him, then at the rain that was falling, and then said in silence, "Zhuzi, listen to the comrades of the People's Liberation Army, go back and pack your things."

"Uncle!" Zhu Zi stood still with an expression of reluctance.

"Be obedient!" The village chief's face darkened, and he scolded.

"Okay!" The young man, Zhu Zi reluctantly left.

Seeing Zhuzi go home, the village chief looked at Captain Liu and said, "Comrade PLA, our village is mostly left-behind children and elderly people. I will trouble you later."

"Uncle, don't worry about it. We are here to help you." Captain Liu laughed and said.

He thought that he would still be able to convince the village head with a lot of words, but he did not think that the village head was a sensible person and agreed so quickly.

"Comrade People's Liberation Army, I'm going to inform the villagers right away." After finishing speaking, the village chief went directly to the village committee, and then said to everyone through the radio: "Villagers, please pay attention, because the rain is getting heavier, the nearby villages have been Buried by mudslides. For everyone’s safety, the government specially sent comrades from the People’s Liberation Army to help the villagers move. Please pack your things as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.”

The broadcast kept repeating, and it stopped after about ten times.

When the villagers heard the broadcast, they all walked out of the house. When they saw the comrades of the People's Liberation Army standing in the rain, no one moved for a while.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and pack up your things and move!" The village head saw that everyone was not moving, and couldn't help but yelled.

The village head roared, and the villagers then spoke up, saying: "Village head, it's raining, how do you want us to move?"

"That's right, village chief, there are a lot of things in the house, and I can't move them all at once."

"Yes, village chief, where do you want us to move?"

"We live well, why should we move? Isn't this mudslide hasn't come yet? Can't we move when it comes?"

"Besides, I don't know if this mudslide will come or not?"

"Village chief, there are only old people and children in our house, why move!"

"Okay, everyone, don't quarrel, go back and pack your valuables first, and don't take anything else. Comrades from the People's Liberation Army will help you load your things into the car later."

"Only pack the valuables, don't take anything else? Don't you want quilts?"

"No, take your valuables with you first. For other things, wait until the rain stops." The village chief made a decisive decision and said to the villagers.

Now that the rain is getting heavier and heavier, what if this mudslide really comes?
So, let's leave first.

"Village chief, can I not go?" an old man asked.

Before the village chief could speak, Captain Liu spoke first and said, "Ma'am, no, everyone in the village must leave. If you have any difficulties, please tell us first, we will definitely help you if we can."

(End of this chapter)

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