Chapter 959
At this time, everyone else in the village had already gotten into the car, except Da Niang and Sheng Fenghua.

Captain Liu asked him to count the number of people again, and then found that two people were missing, and was about to get out of the car and look for it again.

But at this moment, he inadvertently glanced at the mountain.At a glance, he turned pale with shock.

I saw the mountains and trees on the mountain rushing towards the village like an overwhelming mountain.

Watching this scene, Captain Liu couldn't recover for a long time.Wanting to return the person who has not come out, he shouted loudly: "Quick, come out quickly, the mudslide is coming!"

Sheng Fenghua's face changed when he heard Captain Liu's shout, without saying a word, he didn't care if the aunt found anything, he just grabbed her arm and ran outside.

Captain Liu stood outside, his expression changed again when he saw the mudslide that had reached the edge of the village, and he raised his legs and was about to rush towards the village.

However, before he ran two steps, he saw Sheng Fenghua came out with the old lady, so he breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "Hurry up!"

The situation was critical, Sheng Fenghua speeded up.But the aunt is old after all, and she accidentally fell while running.

"Girl, run away. I can't do it!" Sitting on the ground, the aunt looked at Sheng Fenghua and said.

She is quite old, even if the whole person is confessed here, she has no regrets.But Sheng Fenghua was different, she was still young.And she can run, not like she can't run, and even fell down.

"Auntie, don't say such things, get up quickly. I will definitely take you out safely." Sheng Fenghua pulled up Auntie, got her short and carried her on his back, and ran towards the outside.

It's just that the fall that the aunt fell just now delayed some time.And the speed of the mudslide was so fast that it had already submerged the village behind them and rushed towards them.

"Quick, quick, faster!" Captain Liu watched and shouted loudly, urging Sheng Fenghua to speed up.

Although Sheng Fenghua had his back on his back, he didn't look behind him, but he could already feel that the danger was close at hand.

So, she glanced at Captain Liu, who was waiting anxiously, and the two comrades in arms, and made a decision in her heart.

She got short, and with all her strength, she threw the old lady on her back out.At the same time, she yelled at Captain Liu and her comrades: "Go on!"

With such a flick, Sheng Fenghua exhausted all his strength.When she watched Captain Liu and the others catch the aunt, a smile appeared on her face.

But at this time, the mudslide had already arrived behind her, submerging her in an instant.

"Doctor Sheng!"



Captain Liu and the others watched Sheng Fenghua being submerged by the mudslide, they were shocked and shouted.

Those two comrades knew Sheng Fenghua well, and they were about to run forward, trying to rescue Sheng Fenghua from the mudslide.

But before he ran out, he was stopped by Captain Liu and shouted: "You two are dying. Go, get in the car, and the mudslide will arrive in a while, and none of us will be able to leave."

"Captain Liu, Dr. Sheng, save Dr. Sheng!" A soldier shouted, looking towards the place where Sheng Fenghua was submerged.

However, where there is still her figure, the mudslide has already drowned her.

"Obey the order, let's go!" Captain Liu roared, enduring his grief, and ran towards the car with the aunt and the two soldiers.

After sending people to the car, Captain Liu got into the driver's cab and told the driver: "Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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