Chapter 960
The car started and drove forward quickly.In the blink of an eye, the original parking spot was also submerged by the mudslide.

In the car, the soldiers and villagers were silent.They could clearly see Sheng Fenghua being submerged by the mudslide just now.

They knew that if it wasn't for saving Da Niang, Sheng Fenghua would not have been swept up by the mudslide, would not have been drowned, and would not have died.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes fell on the aunt.

Feeling everyone's condemning eyes, the aunt also blamed herself and regretted endlessly.If she didn't go back to look for that thing, nothing would happen to Sheng Fenghua.

Because, at the beginning, she was the first person to get on the bus.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, the girl wouldn't have died."

"Damn the old woman, damn the old woman."

Seeing that the aunt blamed herself so much, everyone didn't know what to say.The village head, who originally wanted to say a few words to the aunt, also fell silent.

The soldiers looked at the aunt, but no one spoke to persuade her.Because they still blame the aunt in their hearts.Obviously, this task can be successfully completed.But because of the aunt, a comrade in arms was sacrificed, and they couldn't feel relieved.

Captain Liu also felt uncomfortable. He brought ten people out, but when he returned, there were only nine of them.The villagers were transferred out and were safe, but they lost a comrade in arms.

For a while, he still didn't know how to explain to his superiors.

City B, Military Academy.Si Zhanbei, who was in class, suddenly felt a pain in his heart, which made him lose his mind.Stretching out his hand, touching his heart, he thought to himself how could it hurt?
His chest was injured before, but it was almost healed, why would it hurt for no reason?

Could it be that something happened to Sheng Fenghua?
Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei was no longer in the mood for class.He was restless, terrified, and afraid.Regardless of the fact that he was still in class, he took out his phone and immediately called Sheng Fenghua.

Soon, a mechanical female voice came from the phone: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off!"

Hearing this voice, Si Zhanbei's heart sank and his expression changed.Sheng Fenghua's cell phone never turns off, unless there are special tasks.

But even if there is a special task, Sheng Fenghua will send him a message in advance to tell him.But he didn't receive the message today.

Combined with the chest pain just now, Si Zhanbei immediately concluded that something must have happened to Sheng Fenghua.

Thinking that something happened to Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei was going crazy. He didn't care about the class, so he stood up and said to the teacher who was teaching: "Report, Teacher Wang, I have something urgent, I have to go out .”

Teacher Wang glanced at Si Zhanbei, saw that his expression was not very good, and nodded.

Seeing that Teacher Wang agreed, Si Zhanbei quickly left the classroom, and then took out his phone to call his uncle Si Mufeng.

Si Mufeng, who was instructing disaster relief, suddenly received a call from Si Zhanbei, and was a little surprised.Looking at the time, it was the time for his class, and a bad premonition surged in his heart, and he asked, "Zhan Bei, what happened, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Uncle, help me find out where my daughter-in-law is. Her cell phone is turned off. I'm worried that something happened to her."

"An accident happened to Fenghua? How did you know?"

"Uncle, don't worry about how I know, please check it out for me, hurry up!" Si Zhanbei said anxiously, he was eager to know the news about Sheng Fenghua.

"Okay, wait a minute!" Si Mufeng originally wanted to say a few words to Si Zhanbei, but he heard something wrong with his voice and tone, so he held back.

(End of this chapter)

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