Chapter 961
Si Mufeng hung up the phone, and immediately sent someone to check Sheng Fenghua's news.He had just finished giving orders, and before the man left, the office phone rang.

Si Mufeng picked up the phone and answered, "Hello, Disaster Relief Headquarters."

"I'm looking for the Chief of Staff."

"I am!"

"Chief of staff, I am the person in charge of disaster relief in the Military District of City A. I want to inform you of a bad news. Comrade Sheng Fenghua of our department died while carrying out his mission."

"What did you say, say it again!" Si Mufeng's face changed, and the hand holding the phone trembled.He hoped he heard it wrong, how could Sheng Fenghua sacrifice?

She is a military doctor, she should be treating patients.

"I'm sorry, Chief of Staff, Dr. Sheng encountered a mudslide during his mission this morning and died."

Si Mufeng let go of the phone, and the phone dropped.His body also shook a few times at the same time, causing the guards on the side to turn pale in shock, while shouting: "Chief of Staff, what's wrong with you?"

One side quickly stepped forward to support him.

"I'm fine!" Si Mufeng waved his hand, the phone call just now echoed in his mind.Sheng Fenghua sacrificed, sacrificed!
"Chief of Staff?" The guard was a little worried, and looked at him and shouted.

"It's okay, you go out first!" Si Mufeng waved his hand, signaling the other party to go out.He wanted to be alone for a while, and he had to think about whether to tell Si Zhanbei the news.

After the guard left, Si Mufeng sat down in the chair, and then fell silent.

After thinking about it for 10 minutes, he still decided to tell Si Zhanbei the news.He is Sheng Fenghua's husband, and he has the right to know about his wife.

Si Mufeng dialed Si Zhanbei's phone, only rang once, and the other party picked up, and Si Zhanbei's eager voice came from next to his ear: "Uncle, how is it? Have you found it? Is my wife Something happened?"

"Xiaobei, Fenghua, Fenghua..." Although he decided to tell Si Zhanbei the news, when he really wanted to say it, Si Mufeng still couldn't say it.

This news is too cruel, Si Zhanbei will definitely collapse when he hears it.

"Uncle, what's wrong with my wife? Tell me quickly!"

"Xiaobei, mourning!" Si Mufeng only said two words, Si Zhanbei's brain exploded, and asked: "Uncle, what are you talking about? What mourning? Stop joking, tell me quickly , what happened to my daughter-in-law?"

Si Mufeng knew that Si Zhanbei couldn't accept it, so why not himself.Sheng Fenghua is now not only Si Zhanbei's wife, but also a member of their Si family, his Si Mufeng's nephew and daughter-in-law, and a relative.

Slightly calming down, Si Mufeng said, "Xiaobei, Fenghua was on a mission this morning and encountered a mudslide and died!"

"Uncle, what did you say?" Si Zhanbei was stunned when he heard the word 'sacrifice'.Unable to hold the phone in his hand, he fell directly to the ground.

With a cracking sound, the trainer who came to find Si Zhanbei stopped in his tracks.

Just now Teacher Wang said that Si Zhanbei was in a bad mood and went out before class was over.This made him very worried, so he came to him specially, wanting to have a chat with him and see if something happened.

But he didn't want to, as soon as he came, he saw Si Zhanbei looking so distraught that he couldn't even hold his cell phone steadily.

"Si Zhanbei, what's the matter?" the trainer walked up to Si Zhanbei, looked at him and asked.

Hearing the instructor's voice, Si Zhanbei recovered slightly, looked at him and said, "Instructor, I want to ask for leave. I'm going to province F."

(End of this chapter)

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