ace warm marriage

Chapter 964 Fenghua accident

Chapter 964 Fenghua accident (eight)

However, before he finished speaking, Si Zhanbei interrupted him and said firmly, "It's impossible, she must still be alive!"

"Xiaobei!" Si Mufeng wanted to say something more, but Si Zhanbei interrupted him again and said, "Uncle, I believe her, she must be alive."

Seeing Si Zhanbei like this, Si Mufeng didn't know what to say.However, in his heart, he felt that Si Zhanbei couldn't accept the fact that Sheng Fenghua was gone, so he subconsciously felt that she was still alive.

However, he didn't know that Si Zhanbei said this because he knew that Sheng Fenghua had a space in her body, and she could enter the space in case of danger.

That's why he concluded that she was still alive.However, even if she entered the space now, she was still sealed by the mudslide.If there is no one to remove those things, she will never come out, and can only stay in the space for a lifetime.

"Uncle, you don't need to say more, please send a car, I will go to the scene of the incident. Also, help me find an insider, I need to know the exact location of my wife's accident."

"Okay!" Si Mufeng nodded, then looked at Si Zhan Beiyu and said earnestly: "Xiaobei, no matter what, I hope you can calm down and cheer up. Because you are a soldier and you have responsibilities on your shoulders. "

"Uncle, I understand!"

Si Mufeng sent a car, and called Captain Liu, who had been on a rescue mission with Sheng Fenghua before, and asked him to accompany Si Zhanbei to the village.

As a comrade-in-arms in the same military region, Captain Liu has long heard of Si Zhanbei's name.After learning that Sheng Fenghua was his wife, he blamed himself even more, and said, "Major Si, I'm sorry, but I didn't take good care of my sister-in-law."

"It's none of your business!" Si Zhanbei didn't mean to offend Captain Liu, but just asked, "Can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

"Yes!" Captain Liu nodded, and then told Si Zhanbei what happened.

Listening to Captain Liu's narration, even though Si Zhanbei knew that Sheng Fenghua had room, his whole heart was lifted.

After Captain Liu finished explaining what happened, he looked at Si Zhanbei and said, "Major Si, please forgive me!"

Si Zhanbei glanced at Captain Liu indifferently, but did not speak.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei was in a bad mood, Captain Liu didn't say anything, but closed his eyes slightly.He knew what Si Zhanbei was here for, but he felt a little unreal in his heart.Not to mention that such a long time has passed, even if it has only passed half an hour, Sheng Fenghua may not be still alive.

That was a mudslide, a mudslide that could bury a whole person.Once the person is buried, he will suffocate without air.In this way, the person will die soon.

Therefore, he was not at all optimistic about what Si Zhanbei was going to do.But it's not too much, he knows the grief of losing a loved one, and he also knows that the living are always unwilling to believe that people are dead, and always want to do something for the other party.

However, fortunately, the rain has lightened now, and there are still signs of clearing up.Otherwise, this will go, equally dangerous.

After driving for two hours, Si Zhanbei finally arrived at the place where Sheng Fenghua's accident happened.

The original small village has long been covered by mudslides, and it is impossible to tell that there used to be a village here, with a large area of ​​farmland, and even the road into the village was blocked.

"Major Si, just ahead!" The two got out of the car, and Captain Liu pointed in the direction of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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