ace warm marriage

Chapter 965 Fenghua accident

Chapter 965 Fenghua had an accident ([-])

Si Zhanbei looked up, and all he could see were dirt, stones and trees that had slid down the mountain. It was really difficult to find the place where Sheng Fenghua was buried.

Braving the light rain, he took out the map he carried with him.Then compare it with the place in front of you.

"Captain Liu, please help me mark the location of the incident on this map." Si Zhanbei turned his head to look at Captain Liu who was thinking about something, and said.

"Okay!" Captain Liu nodded, then took the pen from Si Zhanbei and marked it on the map.This is a real picture, drawn on a scale of one to ten.

Captain Liu recalled the situation at that time, and then marked it on the map.

"It's here." Captain Liu marked the location, then stretched out his hand to point to the side, and said: "At that time, our car was parked here, and my sister-in-law and that aunt came out of the house and ran this way. Halfway through At that time, the aunt fell, and then the mudslide came, and the speed was too fast. If the sister-in-law took the aunt, neither of them could escape. In the end, the sister-in-law threw the aunt to me who was standing here."

Following Captain Liu's fingers, Si Zhanbei replayed the incident in his mind, and then stopped at the moment when Sheng Fenghua was buried.

If at that moment, she directly enters the space, what are the chances of success?Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei became more and more worried.

"I want to go and have a look!" Si Zhanbei glanced at the village buried by the mudslide, and said to Captain Liu.

"Major Si, this is very dangerous!" Upon hearing this, Captain Liu immediately stopped him, "It's still raining now. Although this mudslide has stopped, it may happen again at any time."

"Needless to say, I must go to the field to have a look."

"You stay!"

After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he walked towards the buried village.

"Major Si, Major Si!" Captain Liu saw that Si Zhanbei was really going to go, he was very anxious, and shouted loudly.

However, Si Zhanbei didn't seem to hear it, and strode forward wearing rain boots.Because of the cover of mudslides, the original road could not be seen at all.Fortunately, traces of the fields can still be vaguely seen.Si Zhanbei walked forward cautiously, but he didn't dare to set foot on the place covered by the mudslide.

He knew that the soil in those places was very loose, and it was raining now, as long as one stepped in, it was easy to get stuck.

It's just that those fields are not hard, and because they are paddy fields, they will sink their feet into them.But compared to the soil that just slid down from the mountain, it was much better.

Captain Liu watched as Si Zhanbei kicked deeply and then walked forward, stomping his feet anxiously.

Si Zhanbei walked not fast, but very steady, and in a short while, he arrived in front of the buried village.

Looking at the large piece of land in front of him, thinking that Sheng Fenghua was buried in it and could not get out, his heart couldn't help but ache.

He looked at the mountain and said in a low voice, "Daughter-in-law, wait for me!"

After speaking, Si Zhanbei took out his phone and made a call.He knew that there were too many disaster-stricken places now, and it was impossible for the higher-ups to agree to let his comrades come and rescue people with him.

Therefore, if you want to save Sheng Fenghua and remove these mountains and soil, you must find someone from outside.Fortunately, there are still some people in his and Sheng Fenghua's hands that can be used.

After hanging up the phone, Si Zhan returned to Beiyuan, and then drove away.

When he got back to the place, he told Simufeng that he had made up his mind to clear away the mountain soil that had slid down from the mudslide.

(End of this chapter)

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