The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1003 Letter from No Sadness

Chapter 1003 Letter from No Sadness ([-])

"Is there something wrong with Eunuch Liu?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Eunuch Liu and asked indifferently.

"If you go back to the prince, the emperor said that the canonization ceremony will be held tomorrow, and the prince and princess must enter the palace at the right time." Eunuch Liu replied with a smile, he has long been used to Shangguan Yuntian's cold face.

The world is impermanent, who would have thought that King Yun, who the emperor wanted to get rid of before, would become the prince and heir.

"Understood, please tell the emperor, my father-in-law, that the palace and the princess will not miss the hour."

"The slave retire!"

After Eunuch Liu left, Yehuang asked a little puzzled: "Yuntian, didn't you read the imperial decree before? Why did you make another canonization ceremony?"

"Huang'er, the canonization ceremony must be held for the canonization of the crown prince. This is the rule left by the ancestors. Otherwise, he is not considered a real prince. Besides, the previous imperial decree did not confer on you, so strictly speaking , doesn't count."

"So that's how it is!" No wonder she felt weird before, the husband and wife were one, Shangguan Yuntian was canonized as the crown prince, but he didn't mention it to her, it turned out to be the reason.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the empty hall and whispered to Yehuang.

The banquet was coming to an end soon, and he didn't want to stay any longer.Otherwise, the emperor would definitely ask him about Beichen Jiuge.

Sure enough, Shangguan Yuntian's premonition was quite accurate, he and Yehuang were about to get up, and Eunuch Liu who had just left came back and said to him: "Prince, Crown Princess, Young Master Beichen, Your Majesty invites you to go to the study together. "

Shangguan Yuntian sighed, exchanged glances with Yehuang, and thought to himself: The one who should come is still here.

"Let's go!" Shangguan Yuntian stood up and went to the study with Yehuang and Beichen Jiuge.

In the study room, the emperor sat on a chair with a painting in his hand.In the painting, there is a charming and smiling woman, dressed in moon-white coarse cloth, with a pink peach blossom pinned on her head, she looks elegant, refined and unparalleled in beauty.

That woman is none other than Shangguan Yuntian's concubine, Concubine Xiang.

This was the first time the emperor saw the concubine Xiang when he was young.It was a small mountain village. He missed Sutou and stayed with a farmer's house.Early the next morning, when he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman walking from the road, which entered his eyes and entered his heart.

"I've seen my father!" "I've seen my father!"

"I have seen the emperor!"

It wasn't until the sound of greetings from the three of them sounded that the emperor came back to his senses, put away the painting in his hand, looked at the three of them and said, "You are here."

"I don't know what's the important thing for the emperor to come to us?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the emperor, his eyes fell on the painting he had just rolled up, and asked indifferently.

"Sit down and talk." The emperor pointed to the chairs that had been prepared earlier, and said softly.

"Thank you father!" "Thank you father!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three of them sat down, and the emperor then turned his attention to Beichen Jiuge, and asked, "Master Beichen is Yuntian's cousin?"

"That's right!" Beichen Jiuge looked up at the emperor, and replied lightly.After knowing the sufferings that Shangguan Yuntian had suffered, he didn't have any good feelings for the emperor.

What's more, he later found out that Beichen Xiang'er's death was also related to the emperor, so he disliked him even more.

However, Beichen Jiuge is not a person who does not like to return home or not, so he doesn't show it on his face.

The emperor's gaze met Beichen Jiuge's gaze, and he moved away after a while, then asked, "Where is Mr. Beichen from?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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