The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1002 Letter from No Sadness

Chapter 1002 Letter from No Sadness ([-])

"Huang'er, don't worry, I won't let that happen again." Shangguan Yuntian tightened his arms around Yehuang's waist and promised.

Now, he doesn't trust anyone except Ye Huang.Even if the emperor shows his sincerity, even if he has repented.But those injuries have already been imprinted in the bone marrow, Shangguan Yuntian will not trust him easily.

He is not rare for the position of a crown prince.His only wish in this life is to hold hands with Yehuang and grow old together.For him, other things are just floating clouds.

"I believe you!"

Yehuang also knew that the emperor was Shangguan Yuntian's father, and they couldn't retaliate an eye for an eye, but as long as Shangguan Yuntian was vigilant enough to him, that would be enough.

The two sat outside the pavilion for a long time, not wanting to go back to the banquet at all.

In the main hall, Beichen Jiuge saw that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang hadn't come back for a long time, and wanted to go out for a walk.But he is not very familiar with this imperial palace, fortunately Shangguan Yuntian kept Qin Chao by his side.

Therefore, Beichen Jiuge said to Qin Chao: "Qin Chao, I want to go out to sober up."

Hearing the words, Qin Chao followed Beichen Jiuge and walked towards the outside of the main hall.When some noble ladies saw Beichen Jiuge leaving the hall, they quietly followed.

However, Beichen Jiuge had already realized it, so he didn't plan to stay alone, and asked Qin Chao: "Do you know where your master is? Take me there to see."

Qin Chao also heard the footsteps behind him, and knew that Beichen Jiuge was going to hide behind his tail, so he took him to the pavilion where Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang were.

From a distance, Beichen Jiuge saw the two hugging each other, and couldn't help but hesitate.Come forward, it will disturb the two of you.Don't go forward, there are some nasty women following behind.

After hesitating for a while, Beichen Jiuge decided not to be a light bulb.

"Is there any higher place around here?" Beichen Jiuge turned to look at Qin Chao and asked, he wanted to find a higher place, preferably a place where the women who came with him couldn't reach or go up.

"Yes!" Without even thinking about it, Qin Chao pointed at the big tree next to him, and said, "The top of this tree is high enough!"

Beichen Jiuge looked at the big tree, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "You let me climb the tree?"

"Master Beichen, didn't you just ask your subordinates to find a higher place? The top of this big tree is the highest place in the vicinity."

After a pause, Qin Chao said again: "Don't worry, Mr. Beichen, those girls on the top of this tree will definitely not go up."

Beichen Jiuge was speechless, looked at the big tree, then at the couple in the pavilion in the distance, and then at the tails behind them, finally accepted Qin Chao's suggestion.

However, before climbing the big tree, he reached out and grabbed Qin Chao, and the two of them went up to the top of the tree together.

Leaping up the big tree, Beichen Jiuge quickly found a place to sit, and looked at the ladies below who were looking for him everywhere, the corners of his lips curled up.

Those noble ladies searched around, but failed to find Beichen Jiuge, so they had to return to the main hall resentfully.

Bei Chen Jiuge breathed a sigh of relief when the women who followed him left, jumped down from the big tree, and sat down casually on the chair resting on the corridor.

After sitting like this, it was not until the banquet was almost over that they returned to the main hall under Qin Chao's urging.

Not long after Beichen Jiuge returned to the main hall, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang also came back.

It's just that the two of them had just sat down in their seats when they saw Eunuch Liu walking up to them with a happy smile and said, "I've seen the prince, the princess."

(End of this chapter)

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