The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1001 Letter from No Sadness

Chapter 1001 Letter from No Sadness ([-])

As soon as the imperial decree came out, those ministers in the hall who had known about it for a long time were fine, and those generals were very happy.

"Great, the prince has finally been named the prince."

"Yes, the lord's exploits in this battle have not been ignored again."

"The prince has become the prince, and it will be more convenient to do things in the future."

"The emperor rewarded the prince, what is the reward for us?"

"What's the hurry, just wait."

All the generals were discussing, and Eunuch Liu took an imperial decree from the little eunuch beside him and began to recite it.

This decree is to reward meritorious generals.Almost all the generals following Shangguan Yuntian's expedition were promoted to a higher level. As for generals like Yunfei, they were knighted and marquised. Even Ming Rui and Mo Quan who had not returned from Nanjun were also officials He was promoted two ranks and became a third-rank general.

Of course, Feng Qianliang was not left out, and became Dazhao's official fourth-rank general.

After Eunuch Liu read out the imperial decree, the emperor announced the start of the banquet.As a result, the entire hall became bustling with congratulations.

The noble ladies present also cast their eyes on the military generals because they were promoted to rank and rank. As for Beichen Jiuge, some people also inquired about his origin and his marriage in private.

It's a pity that apart from Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, the news about Beichen Jiuge is not clear.

However, when he was in Nanjun, it was spread that he was loved by noble ladies.

Therefore, those people inquired for a long time and only got such a little news, so they couldn't help but feel a little depressed.He wanted to ask Ye Huang about it, but he didn't dare to go forward.

Compared with the reservedness of the female relatives, the men present did not have so many scruples, and many of them came to make friends with Beichen Jiuge on their own initiative.

Not to mention that Beichen Jiuge himself has an outstanding bearing, and people can't help but want to make friends with him. Just because he is Shangguan Yuntian's cousin, many people are eager to make friends with him.

For those who came to make friends, Beichen Jiuge was more than capable, so he quickly received and collected some information.

Of course, many people came to congratulate Shangguan Yuntian, who was named the crown prince, which annoyed him a lot.Turning to look at Yehuang who was also a little irritable, she whispered, "Huang'er, let's go for a walk."

"Okay!" Yehuang was impatient for a long time, and when she heard Shangguan Yuntian's invitation to go out for a walk, she immediately became happy.

So, the two of them left the hall together and headed towards the pavilion not far away.The night was breaking and the moon was shining brightly. The two went to the pavilion and sat down.

Blowing the night wind and breathing the fresh air, Yehuang's restless heart quickly calmed down and became peaceful.

She lightly rested her head on Shangguan Yuntian's shoulder, thinking of the previous edict, she said worriedly: "Yuntian, is the emperor coming for real this time?"

For the emperor, Ye Huang could not rest assured.She will never forget how he treated Shangguan Yuntian before.

Ye Huang was worried that the canonization of the crown prince this time was the emperor's sugar-coated cannonball to Shangguan Yuntian, worried that he was just using Shangguan Yuntian again.

"It should be." Shangguan Yuntian thought for a while and replied.When he met the emperor this time, he felt that the other party had changed a lot, and he probably wouldn't do the kind of family pain and enemies soon.

What's more, Nan'an was destroyed, no one was around the emperor to deal with him deliberately, without slander, the emperor would probably not do anything to kill him.

"I'm still a little worried. After all, that position can easily make people crazy. What if he feels that you are threatening his position one day and does something that hurts you?"

(End of this chapter)

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