The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1000 Canonization of the Crown Prince

Chapter 1000 Canonization of the Crown Prince ([-])

However, Shangguan Yuntian just smiled, but didn't say anything.When he entered the palace yesterday, he did provide the emperor with a list.Those on the list, he hoped to be rewarded by the emperor.

As for how the emperor will seal it, it is not within his control.

On the other hand, Yun Fei felt a little embarrassed to be teased by his colleagues, and joked: "If the emperor wants to confer rewards, I won't be the only one, everyone will have a share, why do you have to put on a look of envy and hatred here?"

"General Yun is right, everyone has a share in the matter, why bother to stare at General Yun."

"Let me tell you, the prince deserves the most credit this time. I don't know if the emperor will be the same as usual, without any rewards."

Shangguan Yuntian didn't care about the comments of the generals, and sat quietly in his seat, occasionally chatting with Yehuang.

However, Beichen Jiuge had listened to the generals' arguments in his heart, and only then did he realize that what he had found before was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

He made great achievements, but he was not rewarded. Instead, he was hunted down and persecuted again and again.This directly reduced Beichen Jiuge's favorability towards the emperor to zero.

At the same time, he secretly made a decision in his heart, if the emperor really treats Shangguan Yuntian as those people said, he doesn't mind taking them to Wusai City.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly there was a sound from outside the hall: "The emperor is here, the empress is here!"

Hearing the eunuch's communication, the hall fell silent again, everyone left their chairs, knelt on the ground and saluted the emperor and empress.

The only one who didn't kneel down was Shangguan Yuntian's table.

The emperor quickly walked to his seat and sat down, then looked towards Shangguan Yuntian's table.When he saw Beichen Jiuge sitting with Shangguan Yuntian and the others, he was stunned.

"Yuntian, who is this young master?" The emperor asked involuntarily.Because, he saw a familiar shadow on Beichen Jiuge.

That was the Concubine Xiang whom he had been thinking about all this time. Rather than saying that Beichen Jiuge looked similar to Shangguan Yuntian, it would be better to say that he looked more like the deceased Concubine Xiang.

"Father, he is Erchen's cousin, Beichen Jiuge." Shangguan Yuntian stood up and replied calmly.

Following Shangguan Yuntian's answer, everyone in the hall knew that Beichen Jiuge was originally Shangguan Yuntian's cousin.

"What? He's your cousin?" The emperor was even more surprised, and opened his mouth to ask what?In the end, I held back, today is the celebration banquet, and the protagonists are Shangguan Yuntian and those soldiers.

As for Beichen Jiuge's question, it's not too late to ask after the banquet.

So, the emperor stopped this topic, turned his head to look at all the civil and military ministers in the hall, and said, "Today is a celebration banquet for my Dazhao soldiers. You all know that a few months ago, Nan'an raised troops and my border gate was King Yun. Leading all the soldiers to fight the enemy bravely, not only defeated the enemy, but also captured Nan'an, making Nan'an the southern county of my Dazhao, and doubling the territory of my Dazhao."

"King Yun and his soldiers made great contributions to the expansion of Dazhao's territory. Therefore, today I held a celebration banquet for them. However, before the banquet begins, I have a few imperial edicts to announce."

After the emperor finished speaking, Eunuch Liu, who had been standing beside him, immediately stepped forward, opened a bright yellow imperial decree and read it out, "By God's blessing, the emperor said, Shangguan Yuntian, the king of Yun, has both civil and military skills, and his talents are outstanding... The crown prince of a country is specially conferred the crown prince!"

 Thanks for the reward from the butterfly flying on the tip of my lips, thank you!In addition, the completed articles of the two single-order books have been changed to monthly subscriptions. Those who are interested can go and have a look.Title of the book "Ghost Doctor and Mad Phoenix: The Stupid King's Favorite Mercenary Concubine" and "The Good-for-nothing Crazy Concubine: Miss Shura's First Wife"

(End of this chapter)

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