The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 999 Canonization of the Crown Prince

Chapter 999 Canonization of the Crown Prince ([-])

"It seems that these ministers have already got the news in advance, otherwise they wouldn't be so impatient." Yehuang glanced at those ministers and whispered to Shangguan Yuntian.

"It should be, otherwise how could they suddenly become so enthusiastic."

"What are your plans?" Yehuang asked in a low voice, but she knew that Shangguan Yuntian didn't care about that position.No matter who sits in that position, he just wants to defend his family and country.

As long as the military power is in hand, as long as Dazhao can be protected from aggression, it really doesn't matter whether he takes that position or not.

"Let's see what the father plans." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, now Dazhao's princes are young, dead, and disabled. There is really no one else who can sit in that position except himself. .

If he were the emperor, he would have made the same choice.

"That's right, it's useless for us to guess more now, let's see what the emperor has to say." Yehuang didn't get too entangled in this matter, what should come will always come.

Regardless of whether Shangguan Yuntian is the prince or the prince, he is only her husband.

After those ministers were blocked back by Shangguan Yuntian lukewarmly, they did not calm down, but communicated in private.

As for the noble ladies present, all of them set their sights on Beichen Jiuge.Compared with Shangguan Yuntian, they still prefer Beichen Jiuge, who is like a banished immortal.

What's more, Shangguan Yuntian already has a concubine, and Yehuang is still so powerful.They don't have the guts to rob her.

As for Beichen Jiuge, it was different. Not to mention good-looking, he also had a gentle temperament, which met their criteria for choosing a son-in-law.

Feeling the gaze cast on him from time to time, Beichen Jiuge was a little speechless.It was like this in Wubei City before, it was like this in Nan'an, and it's still like this in Dazhao now.Sure enough, a good-looking face is more important than anything else.

Thinking about it, he also set his eyes on the noble ladies in the hall, but he lost interest when he saw the shy and timid looks of each of them.

These noble ladies seem to be carved out of the same mold, just like the ones in the city of Wusai, which makes people tasteless.

He has always wanted to find a special girl, like Ye Huang.

Thinking about it, Beichen Jiuge's eyes fell on Yehuang, envious and jealous of Shangguan Yuntian's cousin in his heart.

What kind of shit luck did he have to find such a special wife.

"Cousin, what's the matter?" Sensing Beichen Jiuge's gaze, Yehuang couldn't help turning her head to look at her.

"It's nothing." Beichen Jiuge shook his head, no matter how special and outstanding Ye Huang was, they were already his younger siblings, so he better stop thinking about it.

On the contrary, Shangguan Yuntian took a deep look at Beichen Jiuge, and made a secret note of him.He dared to attack Yehuang's idea, and he must not be lightly forgiven.

Beichen Jiuge didn't know that Shangguan Yuntian recorded a black account for his mere thought.

The ministers no longer came to Shangguan Yuntian's side, but the generals who followed Shangguan Yuntian's life and death surrounded him one by one, talking to Shangguan Yuntian while inquiring about the news of the reward.

This time, they conquered Nan'an Kingdom. For such a great achievement, the emperor will definitely reward them.So they were very curious about how the emperor would reward them.

Is it money, or a high official salary.Someone like Yunfei is already a second-rank general, and if he continues to seal it, he will be a title.

For this reason, while teasing Yunfei, they hoped that Shangguan Yuntian would reveal something.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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