The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 998 Canonization of the Crown Prince

Chapter 998 Canonization of the Crown Prince ([-])

Even if the other party is his relative, he can't lose his guard.After all, the other party didn't show up early, didn't show up late, and actually showed up when Shangguan Yuntian took down Nan'an, which can't help but make people think too much.

What's more, there are very few people born in this city of no sorrow.In case Beichen Jiuge had other goals, they should take precautions early.

Let's not mention what the Empress Dowager is going to do, just say that after the three of Shangguan Yuntian left Ci'an Palace, they went directly to Chaoyun Palace where the banquet was held.

Following the eunuch's voice, "Prince Yun, Princess Yun, Mr. Beichen is here!"

The originally bustling hall fell silent in an instant, and everyone looked at the three figures approaching the door.Two men and one woman, each stunning.Ye Huang walked in the middle, dressed in red like fire, on the left was the magnificent and domineering Shangguan Yuntian in black robes, and on the right was Beichen Jiuge, who was as gentle as jade and immortal in white clothes.

Three different colors form a beautiful landscape.

As the three of them stepped into the main hall, all the civil and military members of the hall and their families knelt down, shouting: "His Royal Highness Yun Wang is a thousand years old, and the princess is a thousand years old!"

Beichen Jiuge walked beside the two of them, looking at the large black figure kneeling down, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.Although the Beichen clan was the invisible king in Wusai City, it was the first time they had experienced such a spectacular kneeling scene, so they couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

No wonder everyone wants to be superior and have power in their hands. It turns out that this is how everyone bows down.

"Pingshen!" Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, walked over the kneeling crowd, and walked to his place.

As the only surviving prince of Dazhao, Shangguan Yuntian's position is next to the emperor's.

The three of them sat down in their seats, glanced at the entire hall, saw that almost everyone had arrived, and then looked away.

But at this time, those ministers who bowed before all stepped forward one by one, making friends with Shangguan Yuntian.Although he kept a cold face, he couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the ministers.

Looking at these courtiers who came forward to fawn on her, Ye Huang frowned slightly.After Shangguan Yuntian sent another group of people away, he said in a low voice: "Yuntian, these ministers feel a little strange today."

"You also found out?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows, these ministers are more than strange.That would simply treat him as a sweet potato, as if he wanted to post it.

"Nonsense!" Yehuang rolled a blank look at Shangguan Yuntian, such an obvious thing, do you still need to discover it?Looking at the attitude of these ministers towards Shangguan Yuntian, Ye Huang had a bold guess in his mind.

Just when he was about to tell Shangguan Yuntian auspiciousness, Beichen Jiuge suddenly spoke and said, "Cousin, it seems that those ministers are not afraid of your cold face."

Beichen Jiuge is not a fool, and he has always been good at observation.Those ministers who came to get close to Shangguan Yuntian just now were actually a little afraid of him.

While being afraid of him, Beichen Jiuge felt that there must be something happening that they didn't know about.

If only relying on Shangguan Yuntian's military exploits, or if he took down Nan'an, it seems that these ministers are not enough to risk Shangguan Yuntian's anger at any time and let them do so.

"Hmph!" Shangguan Yuntian snorted coldly, not commenting on Beichen Jiuge's words.Turning his head, he approached Yehuang and whispered in a low voice: "Huang'er, the emperor probably intends to surprise us."

"Surprise?" Yehuang was startled, looking at Shangguan Yuntian.Sure enough, the two of them were really a couple, so they thought of going together again.

(End of this chapter)

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