The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1009 Beichen Invites

Chapter 1009 Beichen Invites ([-])

"Meet the prince, the princess!"

Quickly walking up to the two of them, Ye Feng bent over and was about to salute, but Ye Huang quickly supported her and said, "Grandpa, what are you doing? You want to shorten your granddaughter's life?"

"Huang'er, what are you talking about? Courtesy cannot be broken, do you understand?" Ye Feng glared at Ye Huang, then looked at Shangguan Yuntian with apologetic face, and said, "His Royal Highness, forgive me, the old minister has no way to teach , Your Highness, please forgive me."

"Grandpa?" Ye Huang looked at Ye Feng speechlessly, not knowing what to say.In her opinion, no matter how her and Shangguan Yuntian's identities change, she is always his granddaughter and his junior.

But Ye Feng didn't think the same way as she did. From Ye Feng's point of view, the identities of the two were different now, and some etiquette still had to be followed, otherwise Shangguan Yuntian might look down on Ye Huang.

If Ye Huang knew that he thought so, she would definitely tell him, dear, you think too much.

Unfortunately, Yehuang didn't know.

"Huang'er, you are the princess now, and you will be the mother of the country in the future. You can't be willful anymore." Ye Feng could see Ye Huang's disapproval, and said earnestly.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Ye Feng who had become alienated due to the change of their identities, and looked at the aggrieved eyes in Ye Huang's eyes, so he said, "Old General Ye, no matter how Huang'er and I change our identities, you will always be her grandfather." .Since we are a family, why bother with the red tape?"

"That's right, that's right!" When Yehuang heard this, the words almost reached her heart, and she couldn't help but give Shangguan Yuntian a grateful look.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at her and smiled at her, as if to say, "You are welcome, husband and wife are one, I am your husband, there is absolutely no reason why these trivial things should make you unhappy."

"It's worthy of praise, give it a thumbs up." The smile on Ye Huang's face became a bit stronger, and she was very satisfied with Shangguan Yuntian's thoughtfulness.

However, Shangguan Yuntian was dissatisfied, "That's it?"

"Then what else do you want?" Yehuang asked with a straight face.

"You take the initiative tonight." Shangguan Yuntian had an ambiguous smile on his face.

Yehuang's face turned red, and she turned her head quickly, not daring to look at Shangguan Yuntian again.

Ye Feng had no idea that Shangguan Yuntian and Ye Huang had made eye contact many times in such a short period of time.He glared at Ye Huang, with a look of hating iron but not steel, and said to Shangguan Yuntian: "You just get used to her."

Although he disagreed verbally, he was still very satisfied in his heart.Shangguan Yuntian did not change his attitude towards Yehuang because of the change of status, he was very satisfied with this.

"Huang'er is my wife, who am I not used to her?" Shangguan Yuntian replied with a smile, which made Ye Feng more and more satisfied.

"Grandpa, if you have anything to say, let's go back to the yard and talk. It's not a problem to always stand on this road." Seeing Ye Feng's happy look, Ye Huang immediately recalled the past, and couldn't help reminding her.

"Yes, yes, yes, go back to the yard. Look at my memory." Only then did Ye Feng remember that they were still standing on the road, so he quickly turned around and walked back to the yard with the two briskly.

Back in the yard, Ye Feng ordered people to prepare refreshments, and led the two of them into the living room at one o'clock.

After entering the living room, the three of them sat down, Ye Feng had time to look at them seriously.He looked the two of them up and down, and said: "After a battle, you both lost weight, and you need to make up for it."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng called out directly: "Come here, tell the kitchen to bring over two bowls of ginseng soup."

(End of this chapter)

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