The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1010 Beichen Invites

Chapter 1010 Invitation from Beichen ([-])

Yehuang was speechless, and looked at Shangguan Yuntian sadly, and then said to Yehuang: "Grandpa, I'd better leave the ginseng soup for you to drink. Yuntian and I are strong, so there is no need to mend it."

"You're so thin, you don't need to make up, so how can you make up?" Ye Feng glared at Ye Huang, and said displeasedly.

It's almost as thin as a bamboo pole, and it can be blown away by a gust of wind, so don't you need to mend it?

It seems that there is no one in the family to take care of it, so it still won't work.

Ye Feng was thinking, should he go to the Prince's Mansion frequently, or let Ye Huang come back from time to time?
After thinking about it, I felt that it was not appropriate for Yehuang to come back often.It seems that the only option is to have someone prepare the soup and send it to the Prince's Mansion.

This way is good!
Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Ye Huang and said, "Huang'er, I've decided. From now on, let the kitchen make tonic soup every day and send it to you to drink."

"What? Grandpa, you must not mess around." Ye Huang was shocked, and looked at Ye Feng in horror.

Sending tonic soup every day, what is he trying to do?
"Huang'er, what do you mean by messing around? I'm thinking about your health, do you understand?" Ye Feng became displeased, and gave Ye Huang a hard look.

He's doing it for her, okay?We've been married for more than half a year, and our stomach hasn't moved yet, so what if we don't make up for it?
"Grandpa, we really don't need supplements. Leave these things for yourself to drink." Ye Huang refused again, joking that if people knew that the General's Mansion sent her supplement soup every day, wouldn't people laugh out loud?

"Don't worry, my own will not be left behind." Ye Feng ignored Ye Huang's refusal and said directly.

Yehuang was sad, looking at Shangguan Yuntian, hoping that he could persuade Yefeng for her.In any case, with his status as the prince, Ye Feng would definitely listen to him.

However, what Yehuang didn't expect was that Shangguan Yuntian was on the side of grandpa.

I just heard him say: "You have lost a lot of weight during this period, it's time to take a good tonic. But, you don't need to prepare the tonic soup, I will prepare it myself."

In a word, Yehuang felt extremely sad, feeling like she had nothing to love.

Ye Feng was very happy when he heard Shangguan Yuntian's words, looked at his eyes full of admiration, and said: "Okay, since the crown prince said so, then my old man doesn't have to worry about it."

"How could you do this?" Yehuang looked at the two of them with a depressed face, never thinking that just going back to her mother's house gave herself an extra task every day, drinking tonic soup.

Neither Shangguan Yuntian nor Ye Feng paid any attention to Ye Huang's depression and complaints, and the two who reached a consensus temporarily put Ye Huang aside and talked affectionately.

The efficiency of the servants of the General's Mansion was pretty good, and after a while, two bowls of ginseng soup were brought over.

Seeing the ginseng soup in front of her, Yehuang became depressed again.

"Grandpa, I really don't need to drink."

"Drink quickly, or don't blame the old man for beating people." Ye Feng urged, and looked at Ye Huang with a warning face.

"Okay, I'll drink, can't I drink it?" Ye Huang finally compromised, she was afraid that Ye Feng would be angry.She finally came back, but she didn't want to make him angry.

"That's right." Seeing Ye Huang finish drinking the ginseng soup, Ye Feng finally had a smile on his face.

Shangguan Yuntian watched the grandparents and grandsons fight, watched Yehuang resigned to his fate and drank the ginseng soup, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, picked up the bowl in front of him, and drank it all in one go.

Ye Feng watched, his eyes flickered, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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