The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1025: First Arrival Without Sadness

Chapter 1025

As long as the old man Beichen dies, the blow to the Beichen family will be no less than the loss of the heir Beichen Jiuge.

With an idea in mind, Murong Yong quietly approached Xia, intending to find a chance to give her a fatal blow.

Beichen Jiuge's eyes fell on Murong Yong's small actions, which made him sneer with his lips curled up.He knew exactly what the other party was up to.

However, he didn't move, he wanted to see how capable Murong Yong was.

Although Xia's eyes were on those who were fighting, she was still very sensitive to murderous intent as a killer.She immediately felt Murong Yong's killing intent, so she glanced at him lightly.

Since some people rushed to die, why didn't she do it?

Therefore, she only glanced at Murong Yong, then withdrew her gaze, pretending to be nonchalant, in order to lower the other party's vigilance and defense.

Sure enough, Murong Yong had the same thought as she did. After watching Xia glance at him, he stopped looking at him. The vigilance and defense in his heart dropped a lot, and he got closer to her side by little.

Although Xia has been watching the fight at the scene, he always pays attention to Murong Yong's small movements from the corner of his eye.Seeing him getting closer and closer to him, seeing the triumphant smile on his face, seeing the fierce look in his eyes, watching him show his weapon towards her.

At this moment, the summer dress couldn't go on anymore, at the moment when Murong Yong's long sword stabbed, she lowered her body to dodge it, and at the same time raised her leg and kicked the opponent's head fiercely.

As an assassin, Xia learned all the killing moves with one move.One step down, even if you don't die, you have to die half your life.

When the strong wind came, Murong Yong was taken aback. Seeing the kicking leg, he quickly dodged to the side.However, his movements were not as fast as Xia, and he was still kicked heavily.

The heavy blow to the head made Murong Yong dizzy and felt like stars were popping up in front of his eyes.He was even more shocked in his heart. He never thought that Xia would know martial arts, and it was the kind of martial arts that specialized in killing people.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, that was being deceived by Beichen Jiuge, the woman in front of him was not a medical fairy at all, but a killer.

After a successful blow, Xia didn't stop, but jumped off the horse, came to Murong Yong, and looked down at him.

"You, who are you?" Murong Yong knew he was going to die, but he still asked unwillingly.

"When you get to Lord Yan, you will naturally know who I am." Xia said calmly, as soon as he lifted his foot, he was about to step on Murong Yong's chest.

Murong Yong closed his eyes unwillingly, waiting for the arrival of death.

However, time passed bit by bit, but the pain did not hit, making him open his eyes involuntarily.But he found that Beichen Jiuge stood in front of him at some point, while the woman who wanted to kill him stepped back.

"Master Beichen?" Murong Yong looked at Beichen Jiuge with surprise, not knowing why he wanted to save his life.

"Murong Yong, hand over your pass, and I will give you a treat." Beichen Jiuge said lightly, but what he said surprised Murong Yong.

Pass, that is an essential thing to enter the boundless mountains.It stands to reason that it is impossible to have Beichen Jiuge, so now what is Beichen Jiuge's intention when he asks him for it?

Could it be that he found outside help?

Thinking of this possibility, Murong Yong's expression changed, and he opened his mouth to bite his tongue and kill himself.

If it's what he thinks, then even if he dies, he can't give the other party a pass, and he can't let him have foreign aid.

(End of this chapter)

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