The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1026: First Arrival Without Sadness

Chapter 1026

It's a pity that Murong Yong's speed was not fast enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, a stone flew towards him and hit his acupuncture point.

"Who is it?" Murong Yong shouted, but couldn't make a sound, he couldn't help but look in the direction where the stone flew, and saw a pair of jade men coming together against the light, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, just like a pair of gods couple.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang walked up to Murong Yong and looked down at him with contempt in their eyes, as if they were saying: "If you want to die, it depends on whether we agree or not."

"Cousin, brother and sister, you are here." Beichen Jiuge greeted with a smile, then turned his eyes on Murong Yong again, and asked in a cold voice: "Murong Yong, I will say it again, give me the pass. come out."

"Don't think about it!" Murong Yong wanted to refuse, but he was hit by the stone kicked by Shangguan Yuntian and couldn't move or make a sound.It is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to take out the things.

Since he has not completed the task assigned by his master, he will never allow Beichen Jiuge to have foreign aid.

"Cousin, why don't you talk to him, just kill him and search him." Yehuang couldn't understand Beichen Jiuge's gentle appearance.If Shangguan Yuntian hadn't taken the lead, this man would have committed suicide by biting his tongue.

"Siblings are right, they are taking pictures for brother. If that's the case, let's kill him." Beichen Jiuge winked at the black-clothed guard while admitting his mistake.

The guards in black took the order, stepped forward and killed all of Murong Yong's subordinates, and found a lot of things from them.There are tokens, silver, and passes.

Seeing that the passes were indeed on these people, Beichen Jiuge lost all scruples, and said to Murong Yong with a sneer smile: "Murong Yong, since you are so ignorant, then don't be afraid of me. Seeing that after the acquaintance For the sake of you, this young master will give you a good time."

After finishing speaking, before Murong Yong could speak, a guard in black stepped forward and ended the opponent's life with a sword.

After killing Murong Yong, he took out the necessary things from his body, and then asked someone to dispose of the body.Then Beichen Jiuge handed the pass to Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Cousin, I know you have few people with you, so I will give you these passes."

Shangguan Yuntian looked at the pass in his hand and raised his eyebrows. He really didn't bring many people with him, including Qin Chao, there were only ten people.

It's just that he sent some people to follow in secret. Before that, he was still worrying about how the people behind him could enter Wusie City, but he didn't expect Beichen Jiuge to solve his urgent need.

It seems that Beichen Jiuge knew that he had brought more than the ten people with him.

"Thank you!" Shangguan Yuntian thanked, handed the pass to Qin Chao, and ordered: "Send it to them."

"Yes!" Qin Chao took the pass, mounted a fast horse, and ran back.

The guards in black quickly disposed of the bodies of Murong Yong and others, and chopped off Murong Yong's head, preparing to send it to Murong's family.

Since the Murong family jumped out so impatiently, he just happened to make an example to others.

The matter was settled, and the crowd did not wait for Qin Chao any longer, they got on their horses one by one, and started on the road again.Once Qingfengya passed, the road became smoother as it got closer to Donghua Kingdom.

Seven days later, a group of people came to the boundless mountains at the junction of Donghua and Xishui.

Looking at the rolling mountains in front of him, no one would have imagined that there would be an ancient city deep in the mountains, the city of no sorrow.

The sky gradually darkened. Beichen Jiuge took a look at the sky and said, "After crossing the Infinity Mountains, we will be Wusai City. Let's rest here for one night today and leave tomorrow."

 Thank you Muzi Tianxia for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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