The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 103: Three Years With a Flick of the Fingers

Chapter 103

She had already planned to take the Mu family village for her own use.Even if Murong Jue said that she is the new head of the Ghost Doctor Sect, the entire Ghost Doctor Sect will belong to her from now on.

But Yehuang was still a little cautious, and wanted to train a group of people who were completely loyal to herself and only listened to her orders.

And the bandits in Mujiazhai are her first choice.

As the night darkened, Ye Huang went back to her house and changed into black clothes, then used her lightness kung fu to fly towards Mu's Village in front of her.

Speaking of this lightness skill, Yehuang once thought it was amazing.So when her internal strength reaches the first level, it will happen unexpectedly.

When he saw her leap several meters high, Murong Jue was shocked.

Fortunately, he already knew how talented and evil his apprentice was, so he wasn't surprised for too long.After that, she was given some guidance.

Unexpectedly, Yehuang has made rapid progress, not only took one and a half months to practice, but surpassed him.Now if master and apprentice compete for lightness kung fu, Murong Jue will definitely lose, which makes Murong Jue depressed for a long time.

Ever since she mastered this lightness kung fu, Ye Huang never walked when she was able to fly.Even if she went from the wooden house to the medicine field, she flew directly there.

In the blink of an eye, Yehuang entered Mu's village.

Regarding his concealment skills, Ye Huang is very confident in both his previous life and this life.As long as she doesn't want others to find out, no one can find her yet.

Therefore, even though the Mujiazhai's security and defense were good, in Ye Huang's eyes, it was just that.As if she had entered the land of no one, she quickly walked around the entire village to get a clear overview of the general situation.

Even, after turning around, the map of the entire village and the defense distribution map were printed in her mind.

After figuring out the situation, Yehuang didn't do anything directly.She planned to come to kick the village openly and aboveboard the next day to teach Mu Zong a lesson.

Yehuang flashed back to the bamboo building, changed out of her night clothes, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

The next day, Yehuang didn't get up early.After eating, it was about nine o'clock.

After breakfast, Yehuang changed her clothes and set off with a sword.She purposely circled around the village and came to the main entrance of Mu's village.

If it was a few months ago, it would have taken several hours for Yehuang to go around the village.But now, with lightness kung fu, she arrived at her destination in less than a cup of tea.

Standing in front of the gate of Mu's Village, Ye Huang slowly looked at the gate with the name of the village written on it.

A few months ago, under this gate, she was brought into the village.Today, she didn't intend to wait for someone to come out, but decided to give Mu Zong a blow and go in directly.

(With martial arts, it is self-willed.)
A wicked smile appeared on Yehuang's face, and she swung her sword to split open the closed gate of the village.

"Who?" As soon as the movement came out, a dozen people with swords appeared on the hanging tower of the village.

Seeing these people, Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, and said a few words faintly: "Kick the village!"

When the sound fell, she lightly waved her jade hand, and directly wounded the person who came to block her from entering the village first, on the ground.

"Bold, you actually came to my Mu family village to make trouble, and you don't want to live anymore?"

Seeing that his brother was injured, the people on the Diaolou let out a sharp shout and rushed down instantly, surrounding Yehuang.

"Who doesn't want to live?" Yehuang smiled lightly, her body moved slightly, like a butterfly fluttering, flashing past the big men surrounding her.

After a circle, Yehuang returned to the original place.

At this time, there was a sound, and the hands of the big men surrounding her all dropped.

The weapons all fell to the ground, clanging.

 Continue at night!
(End of this chapter)

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