The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 104: Three Years With a Flick of the Fingers

Chapter 104

"You?" The big men opened their eyes wide, looking at Ye Huang with horror.If Yehuang wanted their lives just now...

The big men didn't dare to think about it, and looked at Ye Huang with fear and apprehension.

"Now it's time to know who doesn't want to live, right?" Ye Huang's voice came to everyone's ears lightly, like thunder, making everyone frightened.

"Who the hell are you?" The leader suppressed the fear in his heart and asked Ye Huang in a low voice.They didn't know Yehuang, nor did they see where she came in from.In the blink of an eye, she was standing in front of the gate of the village.

Now, as soon as she made a move, she directly crippled their hands and surrendered their weapons. It was not a good thing at first glance.

Although Yehuang didn't look very old, she was very skilled, otherwise they couldn't have caught them so quickly.

"It doesn't matter who I was in the past, you just have to remember that I will be the owner here in the future." Yehuang smiled arrogantly, passed the big men and entered the cottage without looking back, and headed towards the meeting hall.

For the meeting hall, Yehuang was very impressed, because a few months ago, they took her into the meeting hall, and then was regarded as a spy by Mu Zong.

The big men guarding the gate of the village were still shocked by Yehuang's words, but she had already entered the meeting hall.

"Who dares to break into the meeting hall?"

As soon as Ye Huang stepped into the gate, a thunderous shout rang out.Immediately afterwards, several cyan figures appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"Get out of the way, I'm looking for Mu Zong!" Ye Huang glanced at the four of them coldly, and said lightly.

"Presumptuous, you also called the village master's name?" One of them shouted loudly when he heard Ye Huang call the village master's name.

Hearing the scolding, Ye Huang's eyes were slightly cold, and there was a trace of hostility on her body.She only wanted to take down Mu Zong, and she didn't want to hurt other people in the cottage.After all, these people are likely to be her subordinates in the future, and they can be regarded as her own.

And she has always defended her shortcomings. Since she will be her own in the future, she doesn't plan to take action against them. If they are injured or disabled, she will have to spend money on seeing a doctor and buying medicine for them after they are incorporated. It is not worthwhile.

"Don't say what I say a second time." Yehuang's eyes became sharper, and she glanced at the person who scolded her.

Those who scolded Yehuang didn't take her words to heart at all, and at the same time they didn't take her seriously, they still shouted loudly: "Bold, what are you, dare to act wildly on my Mujiazhai territory, don't want to Alive, right?"

"Why is this sentence again?"

Ye Huang had heard this sentence twice, and was getting tired of it.Originally, she didn't intend to hurt anyone, but the speaker was too annoying, so she had to teach him a lesson.

Yehuang looked at the person who spoke in silence, and stopped talking nonsense, and directly raised her hands.

As soon as she made a move, the big man guarding the gate of the village ran in and shouted loudly: "It's not good, it's not good, someone..."

Before the word "Chuangzhai" was uttered, the person who reported the letter saw one of the four protectors, one of the four protectors fighting with Ye Huang, and was stunned, with a look of fear on his face.

"Hmph, when you report the letter, the day lily will be cold!" The other three guardians gave the reporter a hard look, and hummed a word from their noses.


When the person who reported the letter was told this, he came to his senses and wanted to explain, but after a long time I couldn't come up with a complete sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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