The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1032 City Gate Interception

Chapter 1032 City Gate Interception ([-])

The man was killed, the bow was in his hand, he set up the bow and shot the arrows, and returned one by one the sharp arrows that were supposed to be shot at Beichen Jiuge and others.

The arrow hit, and there was a scream.

The bow and arrow injected with inner strength brought out gusts of strong wind, invincible, and forced out all the enemies hidden in the dark.

Before the enemy was in the dark, I was in the light, and I suffered a little.Now, the dark enemy has been forced out, and the rain of arrows has stopped.Beichen Jiuge led a group of people to quickly go forward and killed them happily.

After getting rid of the people blocking the way, everyone was a little out of breath.After all, after traveling all night, this meeting has gone through a fierce battle of mental tension, and I am hungry again, so it is normal to be a little bit unbearable.

"Cousin, it seems that it will not be easy for us to enter the city." Yehuang glanced at Beichen Jiuge who was a bit embarrassed, and couldn't help joking.

"Yes, it seems that Wubei City is indeed controlled by the Murong family as those people said. Otherwise, no one would stop us here."

"I don't know what my cousin's plan is?" Shangguan Yuntian didn't make fun of Beichen Jiuge like Yehuang, but looked at him seriously and asked.

"There is only one way to enter the city of no sorrow, a city gate. Even if I know there is danger ahead, I still have to break through." Beichen Jiuge's face was a little dignified, until now he realized that there is only one way to enter and exit the city of no sorrow disadvantages.

In the past, when the people in Wubei City were harmonious, living and working in peace and contentment, and united as one, it didn't feel like there was only one way out of the city, and it was more conducive to management.

But now it has become an elbow, and even a checkpoint that one man is in charge of, and Wanfu cannot open it.

"Since this is the case, then we will accompany you to make a breakthrough." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, originally he wanted to ask if there was another way to enter the city.

Now that Beichen Jiuge said this, he didn't need to ask, he could only sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

As for the others, there is simply no room for an opinion.The masters are about to break in, what else can they do besides accompany them.

"Cousin, brother and sister, thank you." Beichen Jiuge looked at Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang gratefully. In fact, it would be reasonable for them not to accompany him.

"Cousin, we are relatives and a family, why bother to say so many polite words. Let's go after a while, otherwise we don't know when we can have breakfast." Ye Huang smiled and waved her hands, since they If you recognize Beichen Jiuge, you must share the blessings and difficulties.

"Yes, brother and sister are right, we are one family." Beichen Jiuge also laughed, very heartwarming.Sure enough, his relative did not admit his mistake.They are indeed his relatives, and they will not leave his relatives because of difficulties.

At this moment, he has a deeper understanding of the word brother.Brothers represent not only blood relationship, but also mutual support.

The group rested for a while, and set off again towards the city of no sorrow.

Fortunately, there were no more obstacles on the way, so the group arrived at the gate of Wusai City smoothly.

At this time, it is not known whether it was because it was still early, or because of special instructions from the people above, the gates of Wusai City were closed tightly.

"Who?" As soon as they approached the city gate, shouts and questions came from the city wall.

Hearing the voice of shouting and asking, a guard in black stepped forward, took out the token of Beichen's family, held it up high, and said, "My son is returning to the city, so hurry up and open the city gate."

But he didn't want to, the words of the black-clothed guard not only failed to make the other party open the city gate, but also attracted the other party's ridicule.

"Your son? Dare I ask who is your son?"

(End of this chapter)

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