The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1033 City Gate Interception

Chapter 1033 City Gate Interception ([-])

"Bold, who are you? How dare you disrespect my young master." The black-clothed guard was about to explode when he heard this.

Who is their young master, the next head of the Beichen family, the real master of Wubei City.But now, a small city gate guard dared to humiliate their young master, it was damned.

"I think you are the one who is bold?" The guard glanced at the black-clothed guard lightly, and said coldly: "What son, why have I never heard of any son who left Wusai City? It can't be outside The spies are fake, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our son left Wusia City to go out on business a few months ago. How dare you slander our son as a spy? You don't want to live anymore?" The black-clothed guard was about to die of anger. Knowing the young master, but also slandering the young master, is too much.

"I don't want to live anymore? I don't think it's you who don't want to live." The guard sneered, waved his hand, and ordered: "Come on, the person talking is a spy who tried to sneak into my city of sorrow, kill me!" he."

"How dare you!" The black-clothed guard's eyes were about to burst, and after a loud shout, he flew up and jumped towards the city wall.

However, before he jumped onto the city wall, a sharp arrow flew towards his chest.

Seeing the sharp arrow shot at his subordinates, Beichen Jiuge flicked his fingertips, and a stone flew towards the sharp arrow.

With a bang, the stone collided with the sharp arrow, making a crisp sound.Due to such a collision, the sharp arrow changed direction, hit the city wall and fell.

"Come back!" Beichen Jiuge yelled after knocking away the sharp arrow, telling the black-clothed guards to come back.

Now, he didn't need to test anymore, the guards at the city gate were definitely sent by the Murong family.Otherwise, with his face like Beichen Jiuge, no one in Wusai City would recognize him.

But the other party clearly knew him, but pretended not to know him, and wanted to charge him as a spy. Except for the Murong family, there would be no one else.

It's just that he doesn't have any impression of the defender of the city, and he doesn't seem to be a member of the direct branch of the Murong family, he is probably a running dog of some branch.

The black-clothed guard returned to Beichen Jiuge, and said with a guilty expression: "My lord, this subordinate is incompetent and failed to open the city gate."

"It's none of your business, it's because someone doesn't want me to go back to the city." Beichen Jiuge waved his hand, not blaming the black-clothed guards.

"My lord, what shall we do now?" the black-clothed guard asked.As Beichen Jiuge's personal bodyguard, this was the first time he suffered such a disadvantage, and it was the first time he was ignored by the people of Wusai City.

"What else can we do? Let's go in." Yehuang coolly interjected, and now they have to enter the city.And the city guards didn't let them in, so there was nothing they could do but beat them.

"My brother and sister are right, we can only fight in. I want to see how many masters the Murong family has placed on the city gate." Beichen Jiuge shot sharp eyes at the city wall while talking.

He must enter this city.If there is any obstacle, you will kill the god when you meet the god, and kill the Buddha when you meet the Buddha.

Since these defenders of the city are ignorant, he, Beichen Jiuge, will not be merciful.He will tell them that Beichen Jiuge is not easy to bully.

"Yes, young master!" The black-clothed guard responded and stood behind Beichen Jiuge.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian glanced at each other, glanced at the high city wall, and turned their heads to give Qin Chao instructions.

Qin Chao took the order and left in a flash.After a while, he brought a group of people back.All of these people held bows and arrows in their hands, which were the ones seized on the road before.

 Thank you [W] for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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