The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1034 City Gate Interception

Chapter 1034 City Gate Interception ([-])

Fortunately, these bows and arrows were not thrown away before, otherwise such a high city wall would be really difficult to use.

"Open the city gate, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Yehuang reached out to take a bow and arrow from one of his subordinates, glanced at the guards on the city wall, and shouted loudly.

"If you want us to open the city gate, it depends on your ability." The guard curled his lips in disdain, with a look of contempt on his face.

It wasn't that he looked down on Beichen Jiuge and others. In fact, the city wall was not only high, but they also had sharp weapons in their hands. It would not be easy for outsiders to kill them unless all the defenders of the city were dead.

"Since that's the case, I'll let you all know what it means to defeat an enemy with one arrow." Ye Huang sneered, took out a small cloth bag from her body, hung it on the arrow, and then bent her bow and shot an arrow.

The sharp arrow pierced through the air, like a shooting star, flew up the city wall, and headed towards the guard who spoke.

Hearing the sound, the guard's face changed. Looking at the sharp arrow shot at him, he drew out his weapon and blocked it.

Yehuang had already calculated that the opponent would block, so she put on her special poisonous powder.

As the guard's weapon touched the sharp arrow, the powder fell to the ground.Immediately, a strange fragrance wafted away.

"What smells so good?" The guard on the city wall didn't know it was poison, so he took several mouthfuls.

As for the guard who made the shot, he had already inhaled the aroma into his mouth and nose when he blocked the arrow.

So, after a while, his head began to dizzy.

Only then did he know that the fragrance was poisonous, so his face changed, and he opened his mouth to remind: "The fragrance is poisonous!"

But his reminder was a step too late, nine out of ten guards on the city wall smelled the fragrance, and fell to the ground dizzily.

Watching the people on the city wall fall down one by one, Ye Huang curled her lips into a sneer, and said two words softly: "It's done!"

Beichen Jiuge and his subordinates looked at Yehuang in surprise, they didn't expect her to kill the enemy with one arrow.

"Go and see if those people are dead." Beichen Jiuge ordered his subordinates, and a guard in black flew up and swept towards the city wall.

At this time, a firework exploded over the city wall.

It turned out that some guards who were not so heavily poisoned saw their companions fall, and panicked and sent out a signal flare for help.

In the city, Murong's house.

Murong Patriarch Murong Hui heard the movement from the direction of the city gate, his face was a little ugly, and he ordered his subordinates: "Go and call all the young masters, I have something to order."

Not long after, the young masters of Murong's family gathered in Murong Hui's study room, and more than a dozen young masters crowded the study room to the brim.

"I've met the Patriarch, but I don't know why the Patriarch summoned us here?"

Murong Hui glanced at his sons, and asked in a cold voice, "Did you see the distress signal from the city gate just now?"

"Going home, we saw what the Lord said. Did Beichen Jiuge come back? Why don't you let your son lead someone to catch him back?" The eldest son Murong Quan spoke first, with an eager look on his face.

If he can catch Beichen Jiuge, it will be a great contribution to the Murong family.It is very beneficial for him to compete for the next Patriarch.

"Brother, I think it's better to kill Beichen Jiuge directly." After Murong Quan finished speaking, someone objected immediately.

They all know how powerful Beichen Jiuge is.Not to mention whether he can be caught, even if he is caught, he may not be able to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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