The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1035 City Gate Interception

Chapter 1035 City Gate Interception ([-])

In addition, although Beichen's house is now under their guard, no one has ever entered the real situation inside.Who knows if Beichen's family showed weakness on purpose, and then waited for Beichen Jiuge's return?

"Killing him, do you think it's easy? Who doesn't know that Beichen Jiuge is highly skilled in martial arts, and none of us are opponents." Murong Quan sneered, looking at his younger brother who opposed him.

He also wanted to kill Beichen Jiuge, okay? Unfortunately, Beichen Jiuge is both civil and military. Not only is he extremely intelligent, but he is also a leader in martial arts.Someone once said that there would be no more than two people who could beat Beichen Jiuge in the entire city of Wusai.

And those two people are the ancestors who have long been out of the world.

"But it's not easy to catch him."

"I have been concerned about this for a long time. Didn't we surround Beichen's family now? As long as we capture a few members of Beichen's family and bring them to the city wall to threaten Beichen Jiuge, I don't believe that he won't be captured obediently. "Murong Quan said with a proud face, Beichen Jiuge has a lot of love, and everyone in Wusai City knows it.

Therefore, he felt that as long as the lives of the members of Beichen's family were threatened, Beichen Jiuge would definitely be captured without a fight.

"Brother, you are thinking too simply. Beichen Jiuge is serious about love, but now it is no different than before. He will not let himself be a prisoner for the sake of a few lives."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Murong Quan couldn't help becoming a little annoyed seeing that he didn't agree with his method.

"Patriarch, I wonder what you can do?"

"You can try the boss's method, but you can't put all your hopes on it. We still have to find a way. It is reasonable to kill Beichen Jiuge."

Murong Hui only wanted to kill Beichen Jiuge. From his point of view, the old man of Beichen's family had been poisoned, and he couldn't live for a long time.If Beichen Jiuge died, the entire Beichen family would be disbanded.

"Yes, Patriarch, my son will do it now." Murong Quan became happy when he heard Murong Hui's words.Excitedly went to Beichen's house to arrest someone.

After Murong Quan left, Murong Hui told the remaining sons: "You take people to the direction of the city gate to block Beichen Jiuge. Remember, he must not be allowed to enter the city."


At this time, at the city gate.Beichen Jiuge's subordinates had already jumped onto the city wall, looking at the guard who fell to the ground and died, they admired and feared Yehuang at the same time.

"My lord, these people are all dead. This subordinate is going to open the city gate." The guard in black said as he got down from the city wall, ready to open the city gate.

However, as soon as he went down the city wall, he encountered reinforcements and had to fight.

Beichen Jiuge didn't wait for the other party to open the city gate, but flew towards the city wall with other subordinates.

However, before they could reach the city wall, a rain of arrows struck.The reinforcements in the city have arrived!

Beichen Jiuge was forced down the city wall again by the arrow rain, his face was extremely ugly, and at the same time, he felt a little regretful.If I knew that he should have gone directly to the city wall just now, why wait for someone to confirm.

It's a pity that he has long been used to letting his subordinates rush ahead in everything, so he asked his subordinates to confirm first.Then make sure there is no danger before leaving.

Now, because of his habits, and because of his mistake, he missed the opportunity to enter the city, and he regrets nothing but regrets.

"Cousin, brother and sister, I'm sorry I have troubled you." Beichen Jiuge looked at Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang with a guilty face, blaming himself endlessly.

"It's okay. If the opportunity is missed, we will miss it. Let's just create another opportunity." Shangguan Yuntian seldom spoke to comfort others, reached out and patted Beichen Jiuge's shoulder, and then ordered his subordinates: "Let the arrow!"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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