The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1036 Killing and breaking through

Chapter 1036 Murder Breakthrough ([-])

The other party has arrows, so do they. It depends on whose aim is higher, and who is more powerful.

Following Shangguan Yuntian's order, the men with bows and arrows quickly stepped forward and shot towards the guards on the city wall.

The guards on the city wall were startled when they saw Beichen Jiuge also had bows and arrows, and their expressions became ugly.

"General, the people below also have bows and arrows, what should we do?"

"What should I do? Just shoot. Is it possible that they have more arrows than us?" The leading general said something disdainful, and the guards were relieved and fired arrows down again.

"Yuntian, it's not a way to shoot each other like this. They have more arrows than us, so we have to find a way to make their arrows ineffective." Ye Huang looked at the city wall and frowned. Guards on the walls.

Shooting at each other like this, it won't take long before they run out of arrows on their side.

"Huang'er, do you have any good ideas?" It's not that Shangguan Yuntian didn't think of this problem, but if they don't shoot at each other, if they don't kill the guards on the city wall, they won't be able to get close to the city wall, let alone enter the city. .

"We can only try with poison." There are too many guards on the city wall, and the city wall is so high, no matter how powerful she and Shangguan Yuntian's martial arts are, it will not be easy to kill them under the siege of the enemy's arrow rain.

"Okay, but, do you have enough poison on your body?" Shangguan Yuntian asked.This time, in order to be able to travel at full speed, everyone did not bring much.He only brought the two of them's personal clothes, while Yehuang brought a medicine box.

"Don't worry, it's enough, there are plenty in the medicine box." Ye Huang said with a smile, her medicine box has two layers, one is good medicine for curing diseases and saving lives, and the other is poison for killing people.

And she had known for a long time that this visit to Wubei City might not go well, so she almost packed all the poisons she made before in the medicine box.

"That's good, you take out the poison, and I'll shoot later."

Yehuang turned around and headed towards the medicine box on the horse, while Shangguan Yuntian asked the archers to stop first.

The guard on the city wall saw that the arrows below had stopped, and became happy, saying: "The general is right, their arrows are gone."

"Since that's the case, what are you waiting for? If you don't keep shooting, it's best to shoot them into a hornet's nest." The general roared when he heard his subordinates' discussion.

"Okay, look at the general, we must shoot the people below into a hornet's nest."

After speaking, the guards on the city wall fired arrows again.

Beichen Jiuge saw that more and more arrows were being shot down from the city wall, and they were getting closer and closer, but he stopped shooting arrows on his side, so he couldn't help but feel worried. After parrying a few long arrows with one move, he came to Shangguan Yun Tian stood in front of him and asked: "Cousin, what's the matter, why don't your people shoot arrows anymore?"

"Cousin, don't worry, we'll give them some nice things later." Shangguan Yuntian smiled with a grim expression on his face.

No matter who the opponent is, he will never be merciful to the enemy.

"Come here." Yehuang took the poison and summoned the men with bows and arrows.

A group of people gathered around, Ye Huang wrapped the poison in cloth, distributed it to everyone's hands, and taught them how to shoot, so as to exert the greatest effect.

After Shangguan Yuntian heard about it, he took the bow and arrow from one of his subordinates, and said, "Look at mine."

After speaking, he stood up, hung the poison bag on the arrow, and shot an arrow first.Immediately afterwards, he took another arrow and shot it out.

(End of this chapter)

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