The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1041 Grandfather critically ill

Chapter 1041 Grandpa is critically ill ([-])

"Why, are you proud that you didn't get caught?" Seeing his son's complacent expression, Murong Hui was furious again.No matter what time it is, Murong Mei is still proud of herself.Doesn't he know the impact of the arrest of his younger brothers on the Murong family?
"No, no!" Murong Mei quickly put away the expression on her face, shook her head and denied it.Just kidding, although he really hoped that Beichen Jiuge would kill all his younger brothers, so that no one would compete with him for the position of head of the Murong family, but he couldn't show the slightest bit on his face.

Otherwise, just one word from Murong Hui could make him die without a place to bury him.

"It's better not." Murong Hui snorted coldly, looked away from Murong Mei, and thought about countermeasures.Just now he put all his hopes on Murong Mei, hoping that he could arrest a few more people so that he could negotiate with Beichen Jiuge.

Now, the amount of hostages is insufficient, and the negotiation can only fall into a disadvantage.It seems that the only option is to remove those people surrounding Beichen's house.

"Come here, remove the people outside Beichen's house."

After Murong Hui gave an order, he got up and left the study.

When Murong Mei saw it, she hurriedly left.

After leaving the study, Murong Hui shouted again: "Come here, my family is mainly going out of the house!"

As soon as the order was given, the subordinates immediately lined up the carriage.

"Patriarch, me?" Murong Mei saw that Murong Hui was about to go out, she didn't know whether to follow her, she stood aside helplessly.

Seeing Murong Mei's lack of wink, Murong Hui couldn't help but yelled, "You bastard, what are you doing standing there, take that little girl with you, and we'll go to Beichen's house."

Murong Mei is his eldest son, but he is so petty, which makes him extremely disappointed.Otherwise, why hasn't the Murong family's next head been decided yet?
"Yes, yes, yes, son, let someone bring her here." Murong Mei replied, and at the same time asked someone to bring the little girl from Beichen's family.

When the servants carried out the little girl from Beichen's family, Murong Hui became even more angry.This Murong Mei caught a baby boy, is this to make Murong's family raise a child for Beichen's family?
The more he thought about it, the angrier Murong Hui became, and he raised his foot and kicked Murong Mei.

Murong Mei was kicked, but she didn't dare to vent her anger, she knelt down enduring the pain and said: "Patriarch, I was wrong!"

"Go back to your carriage!" Murong Hui kicked the other party again, and then got into his carriage angrily.

Murong Mei lowered her head, looked at the place where she was kicked, and a dark light flashed in her eyes.Afterwards, he limped into his carriage.

"Let's go to Beichen's house." Murong Hui said after sitting in the carriage, the carriage started and headed towards Beichen's house.

The news of Beichen Jiuge's return quickly spread to Beichen's family.Hearing this news, the atmosphere in Beichen's house was lifted, and everyone swept away the haze of these days, with faint smiles on their faces.

Especially the head of the Beichen family, Beichen Mingrui, when he heard the news, he was so excited that he walked up and down the room, saying incessantly, "Great, great, Geer is finally back."

"Master, can you sit down and rest for a while, Geer will be here soon, do you want him to see you like this?" Beichen Mingrui's mother, Fengyun, looked at her husband with a look of excitement It's not like how to deal with yourself, and I can't help but feel a little headache.

How could a person who is usually so stable suddenly become like this?

(End of this chapter)

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