The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1042 Grandfather critically ill

Chapter 1042 Grandpa is critically ill ([-])

But after thinking about it, she could understand that Beichen Jiuge had been away for too long, and he was under too much pressure.

Now that Ge'er is back, not only is there someone to share with him, but it also means that the days of the Beichen family's grievances will be gone forever.

More importantly, Beichen Jiuge once sent a letter telling them that they had found the Immortal Doctor.In this way, there is hope for the poison on the old man.

Therefore, it wasn't just Beichen Mingrui who was excited, she was also excited.

"Ma'am is right, we just sit and wait, just sit and wait." Beichen Mingrui sat down while talking.

But within a minute, he stood up again.After so many repetitions, in the end Fengyun didn't bother to talk anymore.

Time passed bit by bit, but Beichen Jiuge never came back, which made the waiting couple anxious.

"Husband, why hasn't Ge'er arrived yet? Could it be some trouble?" Fengyun couldn't hold back anymore, and asked Beichen Mingrui first.

"Ma'am, you are right, Ge'er is probably in trouble." Beichen Mingrui had a cold face, how could he have forgotten that the Murong family had already controlled the entire city of Wusai.Even if Beichen Jiuge came back, the Murong family might not let him enter the city.

"Then what should I do?" Feng Yun became anxious, she only had a son like Beichen Jiuge, what would she do if something happened to her?
"Ma'am, don't worry, let someone go and find out where Ge'er is." After all, Beichen Mingrui is a man. Although he was also worried about his son, he quickly calmed down.

"Listen to your husband."

"Come on!"

Following the sound of the voice, a man dressed as a servant came in, bowed to Beichen Mingrui, and said, "Patriarch, what are your orders?"

"Send someone to inquire about one and see where the young master is."

Hearing this, the boy was about to leave.At this time, the butler ran in and shouted happily: "Patriarch, Patriarch, the young master is back."

"What?" Beichen Mingrui suddenly stood up and was about to go outside.Fengyun also stood up and followed Beichen Mingrui, going out to meet his son.

But, before the two of them went out, Beichen Jiuge had already walked in.After seeing the two, he knelt down and said, "Father, mother, the son is back."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Beichen Mingrui and Feng Yunshi looked at their son, their eyes were red with excitement.

"My son is unfilial, and the elders are worried." Beichen Jiuge solemnly kowtowed three times to the elders while talking.

"Ge'er, get up quickly." Fengyun stretched out his hand to help Beichen Jiuge up, and then sized him up.Only then did she see that he was not only covered in dust, but also bloodstained.

For this reason, her face couldn't help changing, and she asked, "Ge'er, what's going on, are you injured?"

"My mother is worried, my son is fine." Beichen Jiuge said, feeling a little regretful that he should have come to see the elders without changing his clothes, which made them worry.

However, Feng Yunshi didn't listen to him, and directly shouted: "Come here, call the doctor quickly."

"Mother, it's really all right, it's someone else's blood." Beichen Jiuge immediately stopped it when he heard it.

"Really?" Fengyun looked at his son suspiciously, and then looked him up again.Seeing that he really didn't look like he was injured, he felt relieved and said, "It's fine."

After comforting his mother, Beichen Jiuge slightly turned his body sideways, exposing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang behind him, and said, "Father, mother, let's see who the son brought back?"

(End of this chapter)

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