The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1054 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 1054 Miraculous Medicine ([-])

Dr. Liu quickly stood up, while avoiding, he waved his hands and said, "Patriarch, you have broken the old man."

"Doctor Liu is serious. It is true that you saved the old man. So many doctors came to treat the old man. Only you controlled the poison and prevented it from spreading, thus saving the old man's life, didn't you?"

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, it's the old man's auspicious person with his own nature. The old man is just doing his best. Speaking of it, the old man is also ashamed. He has practiced medicine for dozens of years, but he can't cure the poison on the old man."

Dr. Liu became humble, he had always had confidence in his medical skills, but he suffered a setback with the old man.

It stands to reason that his detoxification prescription should be effective.After all, that Fangzi had detoxified many people, but he didn't expect that he couldn't detoxify the old man.

This made him very puzzled, and he almost smashed his own signboard.Fortunately, he found a way to control the spread of the poison later, and was then retained by Beichen's family.

"Doctor Liu, you don't need to blame yourself, you've done your best." Beichen Mingrui comforted the other party. Thinking of what Yehuang said, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Doctor Liu may not know that the doctor brought back by the young master from outside I gave the old man a diagnosis and treatment before, and said that the poison on the old man's body can be cured."

"What, this is impossible?" Dr. Liu was taken aback, and couldn't help but lost his voice.

"Doctor Liu, what do you mean?" Beichen Mingrui looked at him displeased when he heard what Doctor Liu said.

Doctor Liu came back to his senses, knowing that he had lost his composure, and felt a little embarrassed.

But when he thought of Beichen Mingrui's words, he couldn't help his inner curiosity, so he asked solemnly: "Patriarch, you just said that the person brought back by the young master can detoxify the old man, right?"

"That's right!" Beichen Mingrui nodded. Like Beichen Jiuge, he chose to believe in Yehuang.Of course, the reason why he believed it was not because Yehuang was a medical immortal, but because he had seen the old man's complexion improve before his own eyes.

"I dare to ask, is that young master who detoxified the old man?" Dr. Liu saw Shangguan Yuntian carrying the medicine box before, and mistakenly thought that he was the doctor.

"Young Master?" Beichen Mingrui was taken aback, and it took him a while to realize who Doctor Liu was talking about, so he shook his head with a smile, and said, "No. It was the girl who detoxified the old man. Maybe Doctor Liu didn't know , someone gave that girl a name, called Immortal Doctor."

"What? Medical Immortal?" Doctor Liu asked with a face full of shock, "The girl the Patriarch mentioned is an Immortal Medical Doctor?"

As a doctor, he has heard of the name of Immortal Doctor.At first, he didn't care.But later, more and more people who were seriously ill and even sentenced to death were cured by immortal doctors, so he couldn't help but pay attention to them.

Once, Dr. Liu still thought that if he had the chance, he must ask the fairy doctor to rub it.But there has never been a chance, because the medical fairy's whereabouts are too erratic.

But he didn't expect that he got the news of the Immortal Doctor here, and what shocked him was that the Immortal Doctor was a woman, and such a young woman.

This made it difficult for him to accept for a while. In Dr. Liu's imagination, the Immortal Doctor should be about the same age as him.But I didn't expect that the medical fairy was so young.

"Exactly!" Beichen Mingrui was surprised by the constantly changing expressions on Doctor Liu's face, but still nodded.

After a while, Doctor Liu calmed down, and asked, "Patriarch, I wonder if the Immortal Doctor said what kind of poison is in the old man's body?"

(End of this chapter)

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