The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1055 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 1055 Miraculous Medicine ([-])

"That's not true, but after she gave the old man the needle before, the old man's complexion is much better."

"Really?" Dr. Liu had mixed feelings in his heart, thinking that he fell asleep when the doctor was seeing a doctor before, and regretted it.

If I had known earlier, the young master was looking for the Immortal Doctor, so he would watch beside him whatever he said.You know, this kind of opportunity is rare.

Hearing the suspicion in Dr. Liu's tone, Beichen Mingrui was a little displeased.Given the facts, can he still lie to him?
So, his face darkened, and he asked, "Doctor Liu, didn't you see the situation of the old man before you came to see the head of the family?"

When Dr. Liu heard this, he shook his head in embarrassment.Before, he only wanted to stop Beichen Jiuge from giving the old man a medicine bath, so he didn't expect so much.

Besides, at that time, he never thought that the person Beichen Jiuge recruited could be more powerful than him, and could truly cure the poison on the old man.

"No!" Dr. Liu shook his head. If he had read it, he wouldn't have come to Beichen Mingrui to say these things.

No wonder Beichen Jiuge didn't treat him very well before, and kicked him out directly.At that time, he only cared about his anger and didn't think so much.

Now it seems that he is too self-righteous.

"No wonder." Beichen Mingrui sighed, and finally understood why Doctor Liu said those words.It turned out that he didn't look at the old man's situation at all.

"Patriarch, I'm sorry, the old man made a mistake." Although Dr. Liu is a little proud, he is also a person who can afford to let go, knows his mistakes and can correct them.

What's more, he also wanted to have some medical skills with Yehuang, so he had to rely on the people of Beichen's family to bridge the gap.Therefore, he took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"It's okay. Doctor Liu can go and see how the old man is doing later. The medical fairy said before that the old man will wake up after the medicinal bath." Beichen Mingrui waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"Really?" Dr. Liu was startled again, unable to stay any longer.He got up, bid farewell to Beichen Mingrui, and hurried to the old man's yard.

When he returned to the old man's yard, he found out that the old man hadn't woken up after asking.Hearing this, he didn't know what it was like for a moment.Fortunately, there is, and there is anxiety, and there is a hint of jealousy that is unclear.

Dr. Liu was glad that he didn't miss the moment when the old man woke up, and was worried why the old man hadn't woken up yet.As for being so jealous, it was jealousy of Ye Huang's medical skills.

Even though he is a doctor, why Yehuang's medical skills are better than him at a young age, this makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

He was thinking that even if Ye Huang started studying medicine since she was a child, it would only be ten or twenty years.But it has been almost 20 years since he studied medicine.

He is a doctor who has studied medicine for 50 years, but he is not as good as a doctor who has been studying medicine for 20 or [-] years. Thinking about it makes people depressed and frustrated.

Could it be that she is a genius?

Just as he was thinking, there was movement in the old man's room.He heard Beichen Jiuge's surprised voice.

"Grandpa, are you awake?" Beichen Jiuge was surprised, delighted, and excited when he saw the old man wake up.It was great that Grandpa finally woke up.

At this time, Beichen Jiuge was so happy that he wanted to jump up.

"Come here!" Beichen Jiuge yelled, and immediately someone opened the door and walked in.

"Go and tell the Patriarch and Madam that the old man is awake." Beichen Jiuge ordered quickly without looking back.

After finishing the order, he didn't hear a response, so he turned his head and saw that it was Dr. Liu who came in.

Seeing Doctor Liu, Beichen Jiuge was a little surprised, and asked, "Doctor Liu, why is it you?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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