The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1056 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 1056 Miraculous Medicine ([-])

Doctor Liu didn't answer, but at this moment, a guard came to Beichen Jiuge and asked, "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Go and tell the Patriarch and Madam, the old man is awake." Beichen Jiuge repeated again.

"Yes!" The guard left in a hurry, but his footsteps were brisk.The old man woke up, which is really good news.As long as the old man is fine and the young master returns safely, they will no longer have to look at the Murong family's face, and no longer need to be petty.

As for Dr. Liu, when Beichen Jiuge told his subordinates, he had already walked to the bed, and stepped forward with excitement to help the old man get his pulse.

The old man just woke up and wanted to speak, but his voice was very hoarse, so he shouted, "Water!"

However, Dr. Liu, who was so excited, didn't notice the old man's words at all, and was holding his hand to feel his pulse.But Beichen Jiuge heard it, so he quickly poured a glass of water, passed Dr. Liu who was feeling the pulse, helped the old man up slightly, and gave him a drink.

Doctor Liu, who was feeling the pulse, was a little displeased by the movement of the old man's wrist, and when he looked up, he found that Beichen Jiuge was feeding the old man water.

At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have heard the old man say that he wanted to drink water, but he ignored it, and his face couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Beichen Jiuge didn't have time to pay attention to Dr. Liu for the time being, and concentrated on feeding the old man water before letting him lie down again.

After the old man lay down, he watched Beichen Jiuge want to speak, but he stopped him, and then said to Dr. Liu, "Dr. Liu, the doctor I brought back is in charge of Grandpa's body for the time being. You can go back first."

"My lord, what do you mean?" Dr. Liu was taken aback, his expression a little ugly.

"Literally." Beichen Jiuge said flatly, displeased with Dr. Liu very much.Not to mention that he prevented him from giving the old man a medicine bath before, but just taking what he just said to ignore the old man just to get his pulse, he decided not to let him meddle in the old man's condition.

"My lord, are you trying to cross the river and tear down the bridge?" Dr. Liu blushed, furious.

"Doctor Liu, I don't mean crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. It's just that she saved Grandpa. She should be responsible for the follow-up care. As for Doctor Liu, my Beichen family will never forget your contribution." Beichen Jiuge said flatly, he I believe that since Yehuang can detoxify the old man's body, it will not be a problem for the old man to take care of his body.

What's more, if he remembered correctly, Yehuang could make pills before, and his medical skills were definitely not comparable to Doctor Liu's.

"Okay, very good, the old man will leave now." Doctor Liu was very humiliated by Beichen Jiuge, and left without completely checking the old man's body.

When he was going out, he happened to run into Beichen Mingrui and his wife who had heard the news.

"Doctor Liu, how is the old man?" Beichen Mingrui couldn't help asking when he saw Doctor Liu.However, what answered him was Doctor Liu's cold snort, and the back that didn't look back.

"What's wrong with Doctor Liu?" Feng Yun looked at Doctor Liu who left angrily with a puzzled expression, and frowned.

"Don't care about him, let's go see father first." Beichen Mingrui glanced at the back of Doctor Liu leaving, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that Beichen's family treated him too politely, and even learned to put on face.

"What you said is that we should go in and see father first." Fengyun didn't think too much, and entered the room together with Beichen Mingrui.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Beichen Jiuge sitting in front of the bed, talking with the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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