The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1067 Fame Without Sadness

Chapter 1067 Fame Without Sadness ([-])

"Is there?" Yehuang asked with a half-smile, then ignored the convulsed Beichen Jiuge and chased after Shangguan Yuntian.

After a few steps, he caught up with Shangguan Yuntian, held his arm, and said with a smile: "Yuntian, have you ever thought that your grandfather should easily recognize you in this way."

"So what?" Shangguan Yuntian asked back, the other party's recognition is the other party's business, whether he admits it is his business.

"If he recognizes you, what should you do? You really don't recognize him?" Ye Huang asked, the old man's current body is extremely agitated.If Shangguan Yuntian doesn't recognize him, what if he gets sad?
Obviously, Shangguan Yuntian also thought of this question, so he said lightly: "Let's see when the time comes."

If the old man really recognized him at a glance, and the situation is still stable, it doesn't matter if he recognizes him.But if he doesn't recognize him, then it's up to him whether he recognizes the other party or not in the future.

"Okay, you just know what's in your mind." Yehuang didn't say much, anyway, she would support Shangguan Yuntian in whatever he did.

The three of them soon came to the courtyard where the old man lived, and as soon as they entered, they saw many maids standing in the courtyard.

Seeing so many people, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang frowned at the same time, a little unhappy.Although the old man's poison has been cured, but now is the time for recuperation, with so many people in the yard, how can he recuperate with peace of mind?
Beichen Jiuge didn't expect that there would be so many servants in the yard, so he didn't realize it for a while.It wasn't until Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at him with displeased eyes that they realized it and explained: "It should be that the uncles in the side branch knew that the poison on Grandpa's body was cured, so they came to take a look."

After hearing his explanation, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian relaxed a little, but they stopped in their tracks and had no intention of moving forward.

Since so many people came to visit the old man today, they stopped going in to join in the fun.Neither of them likes to socialize, and they don't want to deal with a group of strangers.

"Cousin, since grandfather has guests now, we won't go in and disturb them." Shangguan Yuntian said indifferently, and before Beichen Jiuge could react, he pulled Yehuang and left the yard directly.

Beichen Jiuge watched the two leave, but he opened his mouth but couldn't speak.

After leaving the old man's courtyard, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to go back to the guest courtyard, nor did they want to visit the garden in the mansion, so Yehuang suggested: "Yuntian, why don't we go out for a stroll?"

Speaking of which, since they entered Beichen's house that day, they had never gone out.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to stay in one place all day, so he readily agreed to Yehuang's proposal.As for the crisis that the Beichen family is facing now, they have completely forgotten about it.

So, the two of them brought a few subordinates out of the gate of Beichen's house, and prepared to take a stroll in Wusai City.

Beichen Jiuge soon found out that the two of them had left the house. Thinking that the matter of Murong's family had not been resolved, he was worried and anxious, so he immediately called his subordinates and asked them to follow secretly to protect the two of them.

Beichen Mingrui also got the news and blamed himself, feeling that he had neglected the two of them.He reasoned that he should have sent someone to accompany the two of them out for a stroll, but he forgot about it when he got busy these days.

Coupled with the fact that the current situation is unstable, I am worried that the Murong family will be doing things secretly, so I didn't just mention it.Unexpectedly, the two went out by themselves.

If anything happened to the two of them, he was to blame.

Feng Yunshi also blamed himself, feeling that he did not take good care of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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